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发表于 2008-2-12 21:45:46
Lightwave technology : telecommunication systems---Govind P. Agrawal.
Lightwave technology : telecommunication systems
Govind P. Agrawal.
John Wiley & Sons,
The term lightwave technology was coined as a natural extension of microwave technology
and refers to the developments based on the use of light in place of microwaves.
The beginnings of lightwave technology can be traced to the decade of 1960s during
which significant advances were made in the fields of lasers, optical fibers, and nonlinear
optics. The two important milestones were realized in 1970, the year that saw the
advent of low-loss optical fibers as well as the room-temperature operation of semiconductor
lasers. By 1980, the era of commercial lightwave transmission systems has
The first generation of fiber-optic communication systems debuting in 1980 operated
at a meager bit rate of 45 Mb/s and required signal regeneration every 10 km or
so. However, by 1990 further advances in lightwave technology not only increased
the bit rate to 10 Gb/s (by a factor of 200) but also allowed signal regeneration after
80 km or more. The pace of innovation in all fields of lightwave technology only
quickened during the 1990s, as evident from the development and commercialization
of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, fiber Bragg gratings, and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed
lightwave systems. By 2001, the capacity of commercial terrestrial systems
exceeded 1.6 Tb/s. At the same time, the capacity of transoceanic lightwave
systems installed worldwide exploded. A single transpacific system could transmit information
at a bit rate of more than I Tb/s over a distance of 10,000 km without any
signal regeneration. Such a tremendous improvement was possible only because of
multiple advances in all areas of lightwave technology. Although commercial development
slowed down during the economic downturn that began in 2001, it was showing
some signs of recovery by the end of 2004, and lightwave technology itself has continued
to grow.
The primary objective of this i:wo-volume book is to provide a comprehensive and
up-to-date account of all major aspects of lightwave technology. The first volume, subtitled
Components and Devices, is devoted to a multitude of silica- and semiconductorbased
optical devices. The second volume, subtitled Telecommunication Systems, deals
with thc design of modern 1ightw:we systems; the acronym LTl is used to refer to the
material in the first volume. The first two introductory chapters cover topics such
as modulation formats and multiplexing techniques employed to form an optical bit
stream. Chapters 3 through 5 consider the degradation of such an optical signal through
loss, dispersion, and nonlinear effects during its transmission through optical fibers and
how they affect the system performance. Chapters 6 through 8 focus on the management
of the degradation caused by noise, dispersion, and fiber nonlinearity. Chapters 9
Preface xv
and 10 cover the engineering issues related to the design of WDM systems and optical
This text is intended to serve both as a textbook and a reference monograph. For
this reason, the emphasis is on physical understanding, but engineering aspects are also
discussed throughout the text. Each chapter also includes selected problems that can be
assigned to students. The book’s primary readership is likely to be graduate students,
research scientists, and professional engineers working in fields related to lightwave
technology. An attempt is made to include as much recent material as possible so that
students are exposed to the recent advances in this exciting field. The reference section
at the end of each chapter is more extensive than what is common for a typical textbook.
The listing of recent research papers should be helpful to researchers using this book as
a reference. At the same time, students can benefit from this feature if they are assigned
problems requiring reading of the original research papers. This book may be useful in
an upper-level graduate course devoted to optical communications. It can also be used
in a two-semester course on optoelectronics or lightwave technology.
A large number of persons have contributed to this book either directly or indirectly.
It is impossible to mention all of them by name. I thank my graduate students
and the students who took my course on optical communication systems and helped
improve my class notes through their questions and comments. I am grateful to my
colleagues at the Institute of Optics for numerous discussions and for providing a cordial
and productive atmosphere. I thank, in particular, RenC Essiambre and Qiang Lin
for reading several chapters and providing constructive feedback. Last, but not least, I
thank my wife Anne and my daughters, Sipra, Caroline, and Claire, for their patience
and encouragement.
Govind P. Agrawal
Rochester, NY
December 2004 |