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[讨论] IC Compiler and IC Compiler II

发表于 2024-2-5 22:55:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Is there any way to open an output milkyway design from IC Compiler in IC Compiler II?
发表于 2024-2-6 09:29:52 | 显示全部楼层
no, there is no any way
 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-6 16:38:53 | 显示全部楼层

莫名晴天 发表于 2024-2-6 09:29
no, there is no any way

I tried this way, and it's worked, but suppose if i don't have the frame views?

Importing Milkyway FRAM Views From the IC Compiler Tool
If you do not have physical library source files, but do have Milkyway FRAM views in an IC Compiler reference library, you can use these to create a physical library. You can then use this physical library to create a cell library.
To create a physical library by importing Milkyway FRAM views from the IC Compiler tool,
  • In the IC Compiler tool, export the Milkyway FRAM views of a reference library by using the command. export_icc2_frame
    For example, to export all FRAM views of all reference libraries of the my_lib design library, use the following commands:
    icc_shell> open_mw_lib my_lib icc_shell> export_icc2_frame
    The IC Compiler tool writes out a set of files into a new directory named icc2_frame. The generated files include the technology files and a tar file that contains the FRAM views converted to LEF format.

  • In the Library Manager tool, create a library workspace by using the command.   create_workspace -flow frame
    For example, to create a library workspace using the technology data exported from the IC Compiler tool for the my_reflib reference library, use the following command:
    lm_shell > create_workspace -flow frame \   -technology /path/icc2_frame/data/TF/ my_workspace
  • Import the converted FRAM views generated by the IC Compiler tool into the library workspace by using the command. import_icc_fram
    For example, to import the converted FRAM views exported from the IC Compiler tool for the my_reflib reference library, use the following command:
    lm_shell > import_icc_frame \    /path/icc2_frame/data/LEF/my_reflib.tar.gzNote:
    You cannot mix imported Milkyway FRAM data with other physical data, such as LEF, GDSII, or OASIS data. If you use imported Milkyway FRAM data, all physical data in the library workspace must come from imported Milkyway FRAM data.

  • Validate the workspace,
    lm_shell > check_worksapce
  • Commit the workspace,
    lm_shell > commite_worksapce

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