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PrimeSim HSPICE S-2021.09 Documentation

发表于 2023-12-20 21:50:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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PrimeSim HSPICE S-2021.09 Documentation

PrimeSim HSPICE User Guide: Demonstration Netlists
Provides detailed information on locating and running the HSPICE demos.

PrimeSim HSPICE Quick Start Guide
Provides information to quickly get you started with using the PrimeSim HSPICE tool for the simulation and analysis of your circuit designs.

PrimeSim HSPICE User Guide: Basic Simulation and Analysis
Describes how to use PrimeSim HSPICE to simulate and analyze your circuit designs. Includes demonstration netlist files for various simulation applications. This is the main PrimeSim HSPICE user guide.

PrimeSim HSPICE User Guide: Elements
Describes the syntax for the basic elements of a circuit netlist in PrimeSim HSPICE, descriptions of each of the elements keywords, and examples of common usage for each element.

PrimeSim HSPICE User Guide: Signal Integrity Modeling and Analysis
Describes how to use PrimeSim HSPICE to achieve and maintain signal integrity in your chip design.

PrimeSim HSPICE User Guide: Advanced Analog Simulation and Analysis
Describes how to use the special set of analysis and design capabilities in PrimeSim HSPICE supporting high-speed circuit design.

PrimeSim HSPICE User Guide: Advanced Variability Analysis
Describes high sigma Monte Carlo simulation in PrimeSim HSPICE.

PrimeSim HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options
Describes the individual PrimeSim HSPICE commands you can use to simulate and analyze your circuit designs.

PrimeSim HSPICE Reference Manual: Device Models
Describes the standard models, including passive devices, diodes, and JFET, MESFET, and BJT devices, you can use when simulating your circuit designs in PrimeSim HSPICE.

PrimeSim HSPICE Reference Manual: MOSFET Models
Describes the available MOSFET models you can use when simulating your circuit designs in PrimeSim HSPICE.

PrimeSim HSPICE User Guide: MOSRA
Describes how to set up MOS reliability analysis (MOSRA) and the MOSRA simulation flow.

HSPICE User Guide:Integration to Cadence® Virtuoso® Analog Design Environment
Describes the use of the PrimeSim HSPICE simulator integration to the Cadence tool.

PrimeSim™ Continuum™ Overview
Highlights the common use model and features of the Synopsys® PrimeSim Continuum technology.

Synopsys® Custom Infrastructure Overview
Describes the use of the Synopsys PrimeSim CCK tools.

primesim_hspice_1.7z (30.75 MB, 下载次数: 127 )

primesim_hspice_2.7z (21.03 MB, 下载次数: 111 )

primesim_hspice_3.7z (13.86 MB, 下载次数: 118 )

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