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Siemens PSS Sincal 19.5 with Leika Module and Complete Features

发表于 2023-12-16 15:20:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 MarcelMan 于 2023-12-16 15:25 编辑

Siemens PSS Sincal 19.5 with Leika Module and Complete Features

PSS SINCAL, product Siemens Simulation software of electrical and plumbing networks for production , transmission and distribution. PSS®SINCAL has been developed in over 100 countries byTransmission and Distribution Planning Engineers, Conservation Engineers,Consultants, Power Plant and Industrial Network Operators, Operations PlanningEngineers, Information Technology Specialists، Researchers etc used. The software is part of the Siemens Xcelerator Modular set. SiemensXcelerator is an open digital business platform that allows you to accelerate your digital transformation easier, faster and on a larger scale. software also Throughwith its modular design, it is highly flexible and customizable.

The system has a wide range of analysis functions for planning design and function of power systems that allow you to simulate and study the following: power quality, frequency stability, distributed generation connection, protection coordination Restructure supply, economic design decisions, etc. With PSS ®SINCAL the planner can collectively study the overall impact on both systems and plan the future network according to new renewable integration strategies and Increase energystorage. conservation engineers can work with powerful simulations and illustrations, from conservation coordination, validation and adjustment calculation to conservation studies across the automated system ، Evaluation of protection performance and analysis of thermal degradation, address the complex area of ​​​​protection.

Features of PSS SINCAL bundle :

  • Geographic visualization that reflects the interaction of the GIS program
  • Interactive web-based online and offline background maps
  • Integrated network editor and report generation (list and label) to simplify data and analysis
  • Network models can be placed in multi-dimensional view (northern, geographic) for different tasks with comparison options.
  • Specialized mode (ExMode) for dynamic motor
  • Interactive visualization of network models in schematic, geographic or multi-layered diagrams
  • Extensive data modeling of a variety of equipment including smart grid data models
  • Open architecture for easy data exchange and information technology integration includes: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), SCADA،

New Module: Thermal Destruction Analysis (TDA)

The operating equipment of the network must be designed to withstand short-circuits. Until now, this required extensive manual short-circuit calculations for the entire network area, considering the clearing times of the network protection.
The new module Thermal DestructionAnalysis enables both the network planning and the protection department to perform an automated check for thermal destruction for all lines, transformers, busbars and breakers in the network.
As a result, the user receives a clear representation of all the checked equipment with simulation results showing thermally destroyed elements. A detailed analysis in the network is directly accessible from the results view. Based on the results, measuresregarding network protection or network reinforcement can be derived and their effectiveness can be checked by the Thermal Destruction Analysis.

Wide range of UX and UIimprovements based on user and internal ideas

Thanks to all our PSS®SINCAL users who submit & review ideas through the PSS® Ideas Portal. We are thrilled to highlight four of many ideas which are implemented:
· Click and drag for labels inprotection documentation diagrams:
· Deleting network data without graphics:
· Creation of heatmaps based on the bus voltage angle:
Along with the PSS® Ideas Portalideas, the upcoming release will include several UX/UI improvements based on your direct feedback to the PSS®SINCAL team, including:
· Direct link from graphical elements to settings dialogues or network element data
· Autodetection and opening of network graphic views containing the element to select in network browser, tabular view, etc.
· Simplifiedfunctionality to switch between network graphic evaluation filters in the UI
· Revisited and reconstructed inputdata dialogs for controllers (transformer tap changes and shunt elements)according to the user workflow.

Extension in short circuit calculation

It is getting increasingly important to consider the short-circuit current contributions from converterdriven plants. The extensions in the short-circuit calculation standard  G74 Issue 2   shows exactly this.

With PSS®SINCAL 19.5, this new standard is supported.
Furthermore, the short-circuit current contributioncapabilities of converter driven plants are extended to reflect the realconverter behavior as realistic as possible. This can be used to extend other short-circuit calculation standards like the IEC 60909 and all calculationmethods making use of short -circuit calculations (e.g. protection simulation).

For more information about PSS Sincal 19.5 x64 with Leika Module, please contact

发表于 2023-12-16 16:19:53 | 显示全部楼层
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