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Milsoft WindMil 21.0.10 Engineering Analysis Software Full Features

发表于 2023-11-15 03:02:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Milsoft WindMil 21.0.10 Engineering Analysis Software Full Features

Milsoft's Engineering Analysis software (WindMil) can handle every aspect of electric distribution system planning and analysis. This industry-leading circuit modeling software can accurately represent a fully detailed circuit model that includes individual customers, in-line and end-point devices, even distributed generation. The analytical capabilities encompass power flow and voltage drop modeling, reliability analysis, contingency and sectionalizing studies, short circuit and fault current calculations, protective device coordination, and arc flash hazard analysis. These and many more analytical tools can include full geographic representation and MultiSpeak interfaces to CIS, SCADA, and AMR/AMI data sources.

Since 1989, Milsoft Engineering Analysis has proven to be a dependable foundation for electric distribution system planning and analysis. Over one thousand electric utilities, consultants, universities, and vendors in the US and abroad use Milsoft engineering analysis software. You cannot get a more accurate , more powerful, more versatile, or more user-friendly engineering analysis software solution.

Benefits for Utility Engineers
With Milsoft Engineering Analysis (WindMil®) software, you can create a detailed visual representation of your electric grid. Your model will accurately represent the entire utility network, from delivery point to meter. You can also use Milsoft Engineering Analysis software to bring in data from other sources such as CIS, SCADA, and AMI. Optimization analysis quickly provides results on load balancing or capacitor placement. Easily add that proposed new load to the system and see what impact it will have on the voltage and capacities of equipment. Time for a planning study, Milsoft Engineering software provides all the tools needed to create detailed system plans and long-range studies.
Milsoft Engineering Analysis will model the electrical network as a GIS, accurate, detailed system model. All electrical elements, as well as map objects like poles and pedestals, can be represented in the model. Landbase® provides the ability to serve geographically accurate files into the background of your model. Roads, Counties, Aerial Imagery, and many other types of landbase files interchangeably connect to the model. Add on the Streaming Landbase ability, and online streaming maps from Microsoft Bing to display them behind your system model.
Benefits for Utility Managers
Milsoft Engineering software gives the utility the power to perform system studies that result in the system operating more efficiently. Specific studies to assist in power loss reduction and optimization of the network have a direct correlation to dollars saved at the utility. Combine that with the ability to run a study whenever needed vs. waiting will get results faster, saving time and money.
Benefits for Utility Operations
While it's typically thought that Engineering Software only benefits engineers, that can't be further from the truth. Milsoft Engineering Software will provide operations team members the ability to perform Fault Location, using field-measured faults to identify a possible fault location on the network . The system will also give the operations team abilities to pre-plan for outage scenarios, testing switching scenarios for proper voltage and capacity limits before implementing in the field.
Protective Device Coordination

Milsoft Engineering Analysis has all the tools necessary to perform detailed system coordination studies. The WindMil model will calculate all of the Fault Current and Load Flow results on the network. Pair that ability with LightTable® to create and manage a library of all of your protective device's settings on the network. With a fully integrated system, locating coordination problems on the network is greatly simplified. Once identified, device settings are adjusted to the proper coordination results.

Arc Flash Hazard Analysis
With Milsoft Engineering applications, you can have a library of information for structuring and configuring protection devices such as smart digital devices or even standard fuse practices. Arc Flash analysis follows the IEEE 1584 standards and allows you to test various scenarios to serve better and keep your line workers safe.

System Planning Studies
Milsoft Engineering Analysis software excels when applied to planning studies. Use location-based data to forecast future loading, create projects in Project Management to represent planned changes and alternatives, and use the advanced databox and note options to create a detailed map of the system to see what changes are proposed.

Key Features:
• Line Drop Compensation calculation
• Transformer Load Management
• Load Allocation
• Load Flow (Voltage Drop)
• Feeder Optimization
• Fault Current
• Fault Flow
• Fault Locator
• Coordination
• Capacitor Placement
• Motor Analysis
• Load Balance
• Reliability Analysis
• Contingency Study

For more information about Milsoft WindMil 21.0.10 Engineering Analysis Software Full Features, please contact

发表于 2023-11-15 05:55:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-11-15 11:07:11 | 显示全部楼层
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