The tuning may be done either in FPGA, AD9361 or both (though not necessary). The FPGA tuning may be the preferred option for you, as it can compensate for the high fan-out clock buffers, however, since not all FPGA devices have this option - in the ADI reference designs and software - we don't use the FPGA, and stick with the AD9361 tuning only.这是官方时序调整的第二段话,上次回答其实我也提了,使用fpga调整是一种“preferred”的方案。首先既然使用软件能调延迟来对齐时钟和数据,那么使用fpga肯定也行,原理应该是进测试模式发prbs,这个写一段逻辑就可以实现。其次接口这边应该是100m的ddr,不算很高的速率,理论上是不用手动调整的,我有点怀疑你们用的代码或者硬件有点问题?