1.《A 10.0 ENOB, 6.2 fJ/conv.-step, 500 MS/s Ringamp-Based Pipelined-SAR ADC with Background Calibration and Dynamic Reference Regulation in 16nm CMOS》,JSSC
2.《An 8b 1GS/s 2.55mW SAR-Flash ADC with Complementary Dynamic Amplifiers》
3.《A 10-bit 100MS/s SAR ADC with Always-on Reference Ripple Cancellation》
4.《A 0.2 - 8 MS/s 10b flexible SAR ADC Achieving 0.35 - 2.5 fJ/Conv-Step and Using Self-Quenched Dynamic Bias Comparator》
5.《An 11.5-ENOB 100-MS/s 8mW Dual-Reference SAR ADC in 28nm CMOS》
6.《A 24b 2MS/s SAR ADC with 0.03ppm INL and 106.3dB DR in 180nm CMOS》