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[资料] Machine Learning for Hackers

发表于 2022-12-26 18:03:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 cah07 于 2022-12-26 20:48 编辑

Machine learning blends concepts and techniques from many different traditional fields, such as mathematics, statistics, and computer science. As such, there are many ways to learn the discipline. Considering its theoretical foundations in mathematics and statistics, newcomers would do well to attain some degree of mastery of the formal specifications of basic machine learning techniques. There are many excellent books that focus on the fundamentals, the classic work being Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman’s The Elements of Statistical Learning ([HTF09]; full references can be found in the Works Cited).1 But another important part of the hacker mantra is to learn by doing. Many hackers may be more comfortable thinking of problems in terms of the process by which a solution is attained, rather than the theoretical foundation from which the solution is derived.

Drew Conway 机器学习专家,拥有丰富的数据分析与处理工作经验。目前主要利用数学、统计学和计算机技术研究国际关系、冲突和恐怖主义等。他曾作为研究员在美国情报和国防部门供职数年。他拥有纽约大学政治系博士学位,曾为多种杂志撰写文章,是机器学习领域的著名学者。

John Myles White 机器学习专家,拥有丰富的数据分析与处理工作经验。目前主要从理论和实验的角度来研究人类如何做出决定,同时还是几个流行的R语言程序包的主要维护者,包括ProjectTemplate和log4r。他拥有普林斯顿大学哲学系博士学位,曾为多家技术杂志撰稿,发表过许多关于机器学习的论文,并在众多国际会议上发表演讲。

Machine Learning for Hackers.part1.rar (10 MB, 下载次数: 18 )
Machine Learning for Hackers.part2.rar (10 MB, 下载次数: 17 )
Machine Learning for Hackers.part3.rar (56.89 KB, 下载次数: 17 )
发表于 2022-12-26 22:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
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