发表于 2024-3-26 15:22:52
Gear method is better than others to get higher accuracy, also in Spectre.
We already know the above in Hspice but it was not clear, at least to me, in Spectre, because it just says ‘default’, but what is the default?, what is his ‘conservative’?
Now I understand that when we scpecify ‘conservative’, then his ‘default’ will be set to ‘gear2only’. Here, also in Spectre, gear is better than others, even though the help file says “trapezoidal is used when we need high accuracy” and “gear can make system more stable than they really are.”
If you used trap or traponly, try and select gear2, gear2only or even euler.
For the differences, study e.g. Kenneth S. Kundert’s book “The Designers Guide to SPICE & SPECTRE”, especially the 4.2.2 chapter on “Characteristics of the Integration Methods” (about 25 pages).
Here just a few clippings: “trapezoidal rule exhibits strong point-to-point ringing.” (p.135); “backward Euler exhibits heavy damping” (p.147); “trapezoidal ringing” (p.150); “To avoid trapezoidal ringing, use Gear2” (p.155).
If you set Spectre’s errpreset property to conservative, the gear2only method is used by default. I’d suggest to use this one first |