
楼主 |
发表于 2022-4-10 14:11:16
If you want to re-do the making license, just go to the path it says (in your computer it is: C:\Users\whuaz\AppData\Local\Temp\LICENSE.TMP) and delete it (if exists) and then run the below procedures.
Patching and license generation example using the keygen:
1- Open a CMD window as administrator and go to the folder containing the "MentorKG.exe".
2- Run the below command inside CMD (just a sample):
MentorKG -patch c:\MentorGraphics -pkg c:\MentorGraphics\..\mgc.pkginfo
This command has two parts. First it patches all the required dll files inside c:\MentorGraphics folder (You can specify other folders where your intended product want to be patched). Second it searches the license features inside the mgc.pkginfo file (you need to specify the full path for this file).
In the end, a license file is created in your temp folder (C:\Users\whuaz\AppData\Local\Temp\LICENSE.TMP) and also is opened in a notepad. If it doesn't open inside a notepad, just go to the path (C:\Users\whuaz\AppData\Local\Temp\LICENSE.TMP) and copy the LICENSE.TMP to somewhere and rename it to for example LICENSE.DAT, then specify an environment variable pointing to that license.