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11月24日~25日,中科芯云微电子科技有限公司(青岛EDA中心)将联合Siemens EDA举办“ Tessent MemoryBIST Training ”,通过理论和实践的方式,层层剖析实现流程、规则检查、顶层实现、自修复等内容,并通过云平台正版EDA工具动手实践Tessent Boundary Scan与Memory BIST流程,学完本课程后您将具备在复杂设计中实现和验证MemoryBIST的能力。
Course Abstract
This course covers the Tessent Shell implementation flow of Tessent™ MemoryBIST. The Tessent™ MemoryBISTcourse will help you understand how to implement DFT for memory test. You will be introduced to Tessent Shell tool environment and instructed how to utilize Tessent Shell to implement memory BIST solutions for your design. The lecture/lab format of the class gives you a conceptual understanding of how memory BIST circuitry for memories and IEEE 1687 (IJTAG) communication infrastructure can be automatically generated and inserted into a circuit. Hands-on lab exercises will reinforce lecture and discussion topics.
Course Details
Learn how to implement and validate MemoryBIST in your design.
What You’ll Learn
Setup your design for memory BIST and perform design rule checking Manage clock controllers, PLL and clock dividers during memory BIST Utilize the DefaultsSpecifications and DftSpecifications for memory BIST implementations Generate and insert memory BIST IP and IEEE 1687 IP Verify the Tessent MemoryBIST implementation with simulation validations Utilize the PatternsSpecification to generate simulation validation patterns and ATE patterns Implement memory BIST with repairable memories, built-in self-repair, built-in repair analysis and fuse boxes Specify and implement Tessent MemoryBIST at multiple levels in the hierarchy Implement Tessent BoundaryScan at the top level of the chip
Throughout this course, extensive hands-on lab exercises provide you with practical experience using Tessent software. Hands-on lab topics include:Demonstrate the flow for Tessent Boundary Scan, and Tessent MemoryBIST Labs focus on the flow and give you an example of some basic features of the Tessent IP The labs serve as a template for use when implementing DFT on a user-generated design
林刘涛 Siemens EDA DFT应用工程师 2020年加入Siemens EDA,负责DFT技术的支持工作。
Day 1 |
| | | Introduction to Tessent MemoryBIST | | Exploring the Help System | | Standard Memory BIST Flow | | Standard Memory BIST Flow | | | | | | | Default and DFT Specifications | | Specifications and Editing |
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Day 2 |
| | | MemoryBIST Top Level Flow | | Top / Chip Level & Boundary Scan | | Memory BIST Debug Patterns | | | | | | | | | |
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1. 标准学费1600元/人; 2. 学费早鸟价1200元/人,即日起至11月19日前交费可享受,仅限10个名额,先到先得; 3. 在校大学生,凭学生证可以享受800元/人优惠价格; 4. 青岛国际创新园区内,政府招商引资的微电子企业,每单位有1个免费参加培训的名额,超出名额按1200元/人付费(需提供认定企业专用申请表<青岛EDA中心提供申请表>,企业盖章有效)。
时间:2021年11月24日~25日组织单位:中科芯云微电子科技有限公司(青岛EDA中心)、Siemens EDA培训方式:腾讯会议+VPN+VNC(培训使用腾讯会议直播,VPN+VNC进行实操)
说明 ③ 学费含授课费、资料费,培训教材邮寄给学员个人。 ④ 未尽事宜,请咨询:18661959955 周老师 13651781526 王老师
付款信息 户 名:中科芯云微电子科技有限公司 开户行:中国建设银行青岛崂山支行 账 号: 37150198682700000951
请于11月22日前,将报名费汇入左侧账户,并在备注中注明(11月24日培训+单位+学员姓名),可开发票。 证书 本次培训由青岛EDA中心及Siemens EDA联合举办,按时完成培训任务的学员将获得由中科芯云微电子科技有限公司(青岛EDA中心)及Siemens EDA联合出具的培训证书。
中科芯云微电子科技有限公司 青岛EDA中心(中科芯云微电子科技有限公司)是中科院微电子研究所EDA中心网络化服务平台的分支机构,是青岛“芯谷”建设的集成电路行业公共技术服务平台,是青岛新旧动能转化重大项目之一。