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EE 240 Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits
Instructor Ali Niknejad
EE 240: Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits - Spring 2006. Analysis and optimized design of monolithic operational amplifiers and wide-band amplifiers; methods of achieving wide-band amplification, gain-bandwidth considerations; analysis of noise in integrated circuits and low noise design. Precision passive elements, analog switches, amplifiers and comparators, voltage reference in NMOS and CMOS circuits, Serial, successive-approximation, and parallel analog-to-digital converters. Switched-capacitor and CCD filters. Applications to codecs, modems.
Tue 1/17 Course Overview
Thu 1/19 CMOS Technology and Passive Devices
Tue 1/24 MOS Models for Analog Design
Thu 1/26 MOS Small-Signal Models for Design
Tue 1/31 Electronic Noise
Thu 2/2 Thermal Noise
Tue 2/7 No Webcast
Thu 2/9 Equivalent Noise Generators
Tue 2/14 Current Sources
Thu 2/16 References
Tue 2/21 Introduction to OTAs
Thu 2/23 Fully Differential Circuits
Tue 2/28 Folded Cascode OTA
Thu 3/2 Feedback
Tue 3/7 Feedback (Return Ratio)
Thu 3/9 Settling Time (Part I)
Tue 3/14 Settling Time (Part II); CMFB
Thu 3/16 Midterm
Tue 3/21 OTA Design and Compensation
Thu 3/23 OTA Design (cont)
Tue 3/28 Spring Break
Thu 3/30 Spring Break
Tue 4/4 Low Power Design I
Thu 4/6 Low Power Design II
Tue 4/11 Two Stage OTA Design
Thu 4/13 Output Stages
Tue 4/18 Nested Miller; Comparator Design
Thu 4/20 Comparator Design; Coupling
Tue 4/25 E/M Coupling
Thu 4/27 Substrate Coupling: Matching
Tue 5/2 MOS S/H
Thu 5/4 Offset Cancellation
[ 本帖最后由 carneval 于 2007-12-14 13:49 编辑 ] |