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Objectives 培训目标 l At the end of this workshop the student should be able to: l Describe the HSPICE file structure l List the HSPICE output files l Use passive components and independent sources to construct a netlist l Explain how to output the simulation results l Invoke and use CosmosScope l Describe convergence and non-convergence l Explain how the DC operating point is calculated l Describe DC sweep and transient analysis l List the causes of non-convergence and the possible solutions l Describe numeric integration l Use measure statements to verify circuit specifications l Invoke and use HSPICE GUI Prerequisites 参训需求 Experience with UNIX basic commands and utilities like "vi" or some other text editor. Course Outline 课程安排 | | | | | | 02 Active Devices/Analysis | | Lab2:Devices and Subcircuits | | | | Lab 3: Simulation Controls and Options | | | | | | | | | | | | | 06 Advanced Input Elements | | Lab 6: Advanced Input File Elements | | 07 Parallel Computing – HPP & DP | | | | |
讲师介绍 从事模拟及混合信号集成电路设计相关工作6年。曾就职于中科院上海技术物理研究所,海康威视数字技术股份有限公司。从事模拟集成电路设计,多次流片经历。现就职于Synopsys,担任应用工程师,精通Sign-off以及AMS工具,曾为多家国内外半导体企业提供技术支持。培训经验丰富,多次为国内外知名半导体公司进行HSPICE,StarRC等课程的培训。 适用人群 1、模拟芯片设计工程师 2、高校科研人员 、微电子/电子等相关专业的本科生、研究生 3、期望换到模拟芯片行业拿高薪的工程师 报名方式: 扫码在线报名
证书颁发 本次培训由青岛EDA中心及Synopsys联合举办,按时完成培训任务的学员将获得由中国科学院EDA中心及Synopsys联合出具的培训证书。 会务组及联系方式 联系人:周老师 联系人:王老师 手机:18661959955 手机:13651781526