(VIA-1010): Running the auto via command in area (22.305, -20.355) (22.305, -15.355) (27.305, -15.355) (27.305, -20.355).
(VIA-1015): No via has been created because there is no overlap at the selected location.
炮灰酱 发表于 2024-12-26 17:55
(VIA-1010): Running the auto via command in area (22.305, -20 ...
把Delete extra Vias那段注释掉后可以正常打出孔了,但又遇到了新的问题,如果线上有pin,连接的功能就会卡bug,by order的报错如下:
*** Error in routine quotient:
Message: *Error* quotient: can't handle (nil / 2)
Entering new debug toplevel due to error:
SKILL IDE 的报错行标红在了 “HW = Hline~>width/2 VW = Vline~>width/2”上
byName 的报错又回到了:
function FlipPathSeg redefined
(VIA-1010): Running the auto via command in area (22.305, -26.355) (22.305, -21.355) (27.305, -21.355) (27.305, -26.355).
(VIA-1015): No via has been created because there is no overlap at the selected location.