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Warning from spectre.
WARNING (SPECTRE-16707): Only tran supports psfxl format, result of other analyses will be in psfbin format.
Periodic Steady-State Analysis `pss': fund = 10 GHz
Trying `homotopy = gmin' for initial conditions.
Trying `homotopy = source' for initial conditions.
Trying `homotopy = dptran' for initial conditions...........
Trying `homotopy = ptran' for initial conditions..
Trying `homotopy = arclength' for initial conditions.
None of the instantiated devices support arclength homotopy. Skipping.
Error found by spectre during IC analysis, during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
ERROR (SPECTRE-16385): There were 7 attempts to find the DC solution. In some of those attempts, a signal exceeded the blowup limit of its quantity. The last signal that failed is I(L0:1) = 2.20676 GA, for which the quantity is `I' and the blowup limit is (1 GA). It is possible that the circuit has no DC solution. If you really want signals this large, set the `blowup' parameter of this quantity to a larger value.
ERROR (SPECTRE-16080): No DC solution found (no convergence).
这是我的电路图 输入匹配做不了,sp仿真也报错。