我:For scan test case, if the sdf is exported based on the original sdc file, then sdf will have scan shift sdf and scan capture sdf. I think there’s one common question. The scan pattern actually runs in the way:shift—capture—shift—capture-…. It covers two actions both shift and capture in one pattern, that seemingly means the scan postsim needs read in scan_shift sdf and scan_capture sdf at the same time, if only read in one scan_shift sdf or scan_capture sdf, it looks not correct, how to understand this? But if read in both sdf in one run, currently as we know, one postsim run only can read in one sdf, cannot annotate two sdf at the same time, so I’m confused here…
Cadence support: If you want to post-sim shift-capture-shift-capture in one simulation, you can not use shift or capture mode to write_sdf. In this case, you should create another mode, in which shift_enable should not be set_case_analysis_mode 0 or 1. With this new mode and new sdc, your write new SDF to simulate shift-capture-shift-capture mode.