发表于 2003-9-4 01:32:57
[这个贴子最后由bravelu在 2003/09/04 01:43am 第 1 次编辑]
ModelSim (MTI) - How do I compile the Xilinx SimPrim, LogiBLOX, and UniSim HDL libraries?
General Description:
For EE/PE, it is sometimes necessary to compile the HDL libraries before using them for design simulations. The advantages of the compiled approach are speed of execution and economy of memory. This answer record describes how to compile the various libraries.
NOTE: Do not compile the libraries for ModelSim XE, as they are precompiled. Please see (Xilinx Answer 10616) for more information.
Solution 1:
For the Xilinx 5.1i software:
In the 5.1i software, Xilinx provides an application called "COMPXLIB" that will specifically compile the HDL libraries for all Xilinx-supported simulators. (This replaces the TCL script that was used in previous versions of the software.)
Please note that "COMPXLIB" will not work on Linux until the 6.1i software release. For the 5.1i software, please use the following TCL script when running ModelSim on Linux:
More information about using "COMPXLIB" is available in (Xilinx Answer 15338).
Solution 2:
For the Xilinx 4.1i/4.2i software:
A TCL script is available on the Xilinx FTP site. This script works with the EE/SE/PE versions of ModelSim.
NOTE: The TCL script does not compile the VHDL Smart Models.
It is strongly recommended that you set the ModelSim environment variable prior to running the library compilation. The ModelSim environment variable is optional, and it instructs ModelSim to point to one master initialization file. If this option is not used, it is possible that the Xilinx library compilation information will be stored in a local initialization file that will not be seen by ModelSim the next time it is launched. If this happens, the Xilinx libraries will not be seen by the simulator, and the simulation will break. Set the environment variable as follows:
PC (Windows NT and 2000):
- Go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables.
- Click on the Add button in the System Variables section, and fill in the information as follows:
Variable Name: MODELSIM
Variable Value: Path to ModelSim directory/modelsim.ini (e.g., C:\Modeltech_5.5b\modelsim.ini)
Click "OK".
PC (Windows 98):
Add the following variable to the C:\autoexec.bat file:
set MODELSIM=< ath>
where < ath> is the path to the modelsim.ini file.
For example:
Save and close the file, and restart the computer.
setenv MODELSIM /path_to_modelsim_install/modelsim.ini
Use the "source" command from the ModelSim prompt to load that TCL/TK code. At the ModelSim prompt, type:
MODELSIM> source <path_to_script>/xilinx_lib.tcl
The flow for using the script in PE is different from the SE/EE flow. Follow the steps below to set up the script for MTI PE:
1. Prior to invoking ModelSim, set the environment variable "MODELSIM_TCL" to the location of the script.
(NOTE: MODELSIM_TCL can be a ":" -separated list of TCL/TK files to load.)
MODELSIM_TCL <path_to_script>/xilinx_lib.tcl
where <path_to_script> is the path name for the directory to where the script was saved.
2. Start ModelSim PE; the Xilinx Library Compile GUI will also appear.
NOTE: This script compiles all Xilinx simulation libraries. However, for Alliance, only the LogiBLOX, UniSim, XilinxCoreLib, and SimPrim libraries are supported. All other libraries are for use with Foundation ISE.
Solution 3:
Manually compiling the models:
ModelSim has extended the TCL language with simulation commands that allow TCL to be used as a scripting language for running ModelSim.
These environment variable settings are provided for convenience; it is not necessary to type the full path every time. If you skip this step, simply type the full path in place of the "$" variables.
- Set access to the MODEL_TECH and XILINX environment variable:
- VERILOG_DESTN - Location for compiled Verilog libraries. This can be any directory you wish. (The provided path is recommended.) Make sure the directory exists before you proceed:
set VERILOG_DESTN [file join $MODEL_TECH/xilinx/verilog]
- VHDL_DESTN - Location for compiled VHDL libraries:
set VHDL_DESTN [file join $MODEL_TECH/xilinx/vhdl]
If you would like logical library names to be available for all designs, set the MODELSIM environment variable to the location of your master .ini file.
For example:
setenv MODELSIM $MODEL_TECH/Xilinx/modelsim.ini
If MODELSIM is not set when VMAP is run, the logical library mapping is done locally; therefore, all VMAP commands would have to be run for each new HDL design.
For Verilog users, the compilation commands that must be executed are:
vlib $VERILOG_DESTN/simprims
vmap simprims_ver $VERILOG_DESTN/simprims
vlog -work simprims_ver $XILINX/verilog/src/simprims/*.v
Uses the SimPrim-based library.
vlib $VERILOG_DESTN/uni3000
vmap uni3000 $VERILOG_DESTN/uni3000
vlog -work uni3000 $XILINX/verilog/src/uni3000/*.v
vlib $VERILOG_DESTN/unisims_ver
vmap unisims_ver $VERILOG_DESTN/unisims_ver
vlog -work unisims_ver $XILINX/verilog/src/unisims/*.v
vlib $VERILOG_DESTN/uni5200
vmap uni5200 $VERILOG_DESTN/uni5200
vlog -work uni5200 $XILINX/verilog/src/uni5200/*.v
vlib $VERILOG_DESTN/uni9000
vmap uni9000 $VERILOG_DESTN/uni9000
vlog -work uni9000 $XILINX/verilog/src/uni9000/*.v
CORE Generator:
Please see (Xilinx Answer 8066).
NOTE: To reference these libraries during Verilog simulation, the -L switch must be specified during VSIM execution to specify the library name given for the VMAP command.
Example for Verilog timing simulation:
vlog testbench.v time_sim.v glbl.v
vsim -L simprims_ver testbench_module_name glbl
Example for VHDL timing simulation:
vlib $VHDL_DESTN/simprim
vmap simprim $VHDL_DESTN/simprim
vcom -87 -work simprim $XILINX/vhdl/src/simprims/simprim_Vpackage.vhd
vcom -87 -work simprim $XILINX/vhdl/src/simprims/simprim_Vcomponents.vhd
vcom -87 -work simprim $XILINX/vhdl/src/simprims/simprim_VITAL.vhd
vlib $VHDL_DESTN/logiblox
vmap logiblox $VHDL_DESTN/logiblox
vcom -87 -work logiblox $XILINX/vhdl/src/logiblox/mvlutil.vhd
vcom -87 -work logiblox $XILINX/vhdl/src/logiblox/mvlarith.vhd
vcom -87 -work logiblox $XILINX/vhdl/src/logiblox/logiblox.vhd
UniSim (Versions A1.4 and later):
vlib $VHDL_DESTN/unisim
vmap unisim $VHDL_DESTN/unisim
vcom -87 -work unisim $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/unisim_VPKG.vhd
vcom -87 -work unisim $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/unisim_VCOMP.vhd
vcom -87 -work unisim $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/unisim_VITAL.vhd
vcom -87 -work unisim $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/unisim_VCFG4K.vhd
vlib $VHDL_DESTN/unisim_5k
vmap unisim_5k $VHDL_DESTN/unisim_5k
vcom -87 -work unisim_5k $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/unisim_VPKG.vhd
vcom -87 -work unisim_5k $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/unisim_VCOMP52K.vhd
vcom -87 -work unisim_5k $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/unisim_VITAL.vhd
vcom -87 -work unisim_5k $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/unisim_VITAL52K.vhd
vcom -87 -work unisim_5k $XILINX/vhdl/src/unisims/unisim_VCFG52K.vhd
CORE Generator:
Please see (Xilinx Answer 8066).