<CMD> check_ccopt_clock_tree_convergence
Checking clock tree convergence...
Checking clock tree convergence done.
<CMD> get_ccopt_property auto_design_state_for_ilms
<CMD> ccopt_design
(ccopt_design): CTS Engine: auto. Used Spec: pre-existing CCOPT spec.
**ERROR: (IMPTCM-162): "" does not match any object in design for specified type "layer " object in command "create_route_type".
**ERROR: (IMPTCM-4): The value "" specified for the object type of argument "-top_preferred_layer" is not valid. Review the command specification and remove the argument or specify a legal value.
**ERROR: (IMPTCM-162): "" does not match any object in design for specified type "layer " object in command "create_route_type".
**ERROR: (IMPTCM-4): The value "" specified for the object type of argument "-top_preferred_layer" is not valid. Review the command specification and remove the argument or specify a legal value.
**ERROR: (IMPCCOPT-2156): The supplied input 'default_route_type_nonleaf' does not correspond to an existing route_type object.
**ERROR: (IMPCCOPT-2149): Invalid value for property: Could not convert value "default_route_type_nonleaf" to a compatible type.
**ERROR: (IMPCCOPT-2066): Command 'set_ccopt_property' used with the property 'route_type' gave result ''.
For help on this property run 'set_ccopt_property -help route_type'
*** Summary of all messages that are not suppressed in this session:
Severity ID Count Summary
ERROR IMPCCOPT-2066 1 Command '%s' used with the property '%s'...
ERROR IMPCCOPT-2149 1 Invalid value for property: %s.
ERROR IMPCCOPT-2156 1 The supplied input '%s' does not corresp...
ERROR IMPTCM-4 2 The value "%s" specified for the %s type...
ERROR IMPTCM-162 2 "%s" does not match any object in design...
*** Message Summary: 0 warning(s), 7 error(s)
采用传统的FE-CTSl流程run,但是setCTSMode -engine ck 这条命令注释掉,默认是auto,因此还是ccopt模式,结果发现ERROR,关键信息如下:
**ERROR: (IMPCK-398): TopPreferredLayer M3 is smaller than BottomPreferredLayer M3 in CTS Mode. Use setCTSMode to change the setting.
**ERROR: (IMPCK-399): leafTopPreferredLayer M3 is smaller than leafBottomPreferredLayer M3 in CTS Mode. Use setCTSMode to change the setting.