Loading vce.cxt
CDB2OA: cdb2oa -cdslibpath /opt/eda/cadence/pdk/PDK_13mmrf_1P6M_30k/cds.lib -lib smic13mmrf_1233 -log cdb2oa.gui.log -appendlog -mapundefinedpingroups strong
cdb2oa.exe started. See log file for details.
Virtuoso Framework License (111) was checked out successfully. Total checkout time was 0.04s.
Program: @(#)$CDS: cdb2oa version 6.1.8-64b 10/01/2018 19:50 (ip-172-18-22-52) $
sub-version IC6.1.8-64b.83
Started at: Mar 6 00:39:24 2020
Hierarchy: /opt/eda/cadence/IC618
User Name: root
Host Name: eda
Options: -cdslibpath /opt/eda/cadence/pdk/PDK_13mmrf_1P6M_30k/cds.lib -lib
smic13mmrf_1233 -log cdb2oa.gui.log -appendlog
-mapundefinedpingroups strong
Directory: /opt/eda/cadence/OA
Log File: /opt/eda/cadence/OA/cdb2oa.gui.log
Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide
ERROR (CDBOA-126): cdb2oail error: "exec of
'/opt/eda/cadence/IC618/tools/dfII/bin/cdb2oail' failed
with exit status 127."
ERROR (CDBOA-126): cdb2oail error: "exec of
'/opt/eda/cadence/IC618/tools/dfII/bin/cdb2oail' failed
with exit status 127."
ERROR (CDBOA-126): cdb2oail error: "exec of
'/opt/eda/cadence/IC618/tools/dfII/bin/cdb2oail' failed
with exit status 127."
Finished at: Mar 6 00:39:37 2020
182 cells and 1324 cellviews were translated from library 'smic13mmrf_1233' in 12.4s.
Message Summary:
ERROR (CDBOA126): cdb2oail error
Generated 3 times. cdb2oa calls another executable
cdb2oail for supplementry uprev routines like technology,
cmx and cph. One or more uprevs have failed. This is an
internal program error. If you are unable to isolate the
problem, contact your Cadence Customer Support
representative for help.