可以进行寄生参数提取,,但是提取完无法完成calibre view setup,,总是报有致命错误,让我检查logfile,,logfile中的错误是 for calibreqdb.ERROR: Could not access LibDef plug-in for oaLibDefSystem: #4: Shared Library Not Found: Error loading library 'libddbase_sh.so'. /opt/IC617/tools/lib/64bit/libddbase_sh.so: undefined symbol: _ZN8oaCommon11FactoryBase11getRefCountEv。求哪位大佬指点我一下,这个怎么解决。
It is said that this is a Calibre Version issue.
However, a way to work around is attached for your reference.
The most successful and reliable method for simulating extracted parasitics
is to use a spectre netlist. Unfortunately, this is not easy to set up.
Calibre produces a spectre netlist plus two other files (if RC extraction is used,
only one other file, however, if C-extraction only is used) containing the parasitics.
In the following example (RC extraction) the extracted cell is called comp, so the netlist is:
which includes two files
Each of them calls the next one via an Include statement.
Examining comp.pex.netlist shows that the netlist defines a subcircuit
This line in the netlist will be needed later.
The next step is to create a spectre view which is achieved by copying the symbol view
from within the library manager to a spectre view.
Next, in the icfb window use the Tools/CDF/Edit menu to edit the cell's CDF.
The CDF type should be set to Base and then browse to find the appropriate cell.
In the component parameters section, click Add to open the dialogue box shown in Figure 1
and set name = model, prompt = model and defValue = comp
(the name of the subcircuit defined in comp.pex.netlist), then click OK.
In the simulation information section, you may need to add the pin list in the box next to spectre,
this can be copied from the subcircuit. The completed form should look something like Figure 2.
Now, within ADE add the netlist to the model setup, but beware.... the case tends to be wrong
between the netlist and the model files as provided by the foundry! If when you try to simulate
there are numerous models that cannot be found, this may be the problem and you must edit the
netlist to change to appropriate case.
Doesn't work with a patchCord in the schematic (use vdc=0 instead).
In the simulator options, beware to use the appropriate scale parameter.
Good luck!
I told you this is a Calibre version issue.
You can either upgrade your Calibre or use the way provided above.
Also, libddbase_sh.so or something like that is not expected to be fixed by Linux library files. It comes along with the Calibre packages.