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在这里求助一个问题,有遇到过类似问题的请不吝赐教。当我们在 Cadence 615 and 616中安装使用 cmos045的库完全没有问题但试着在 Cadence IC6.1.7-64b.500.21中装这个库的时候,遇到了问题。
In the « .simrc » file, the switchviewlist and stopviewlist are defined as follows :
;;;;;; UNICAD update of .simrc begin ;;;;;;
UkerSimrc = t
loadi(strcat(getShellEnvVar("UNICAD_KERNEL_ROOT") "/Uker.ile"))
UkerSimrc = nil
;;;;;; UNICAD update of .simrc end ;;;;;;
loadi( strcat(getShellEnvVar("PDKITROOT") "/" "PDK_STM_cmos040lp_AMS_7m4x0y2z_2V51V8.simrc"))
asiSetEnvOptionVal(asiGetTool('spectre) "switchViewList"
list("SimMosfetStandard" "SimDiodeStandard" "SimCpolyStandard" "SimCmetalStandard" "SimCfringeStandard" "SimCfringeAccurate" "SimResistorStandard" "SimResistorAccurate" "SimResistorHF" "SimResistorHFV" "SimBipolarStandard" "SimCmimStandard" "SimCapaStd" "SimCapaAcc" "SimMosfetAccurate" "SimMosfetrfStandard" "SimMosfetrfPSP" "SimInductorStandard" "SimInductorAccurate" "SimVaractorStandard" "SimCmomStandard" "SimCmomAccurate" "hspiceS" "hspiceD" "auCmos_sch" "cmos_sch" "cmos.sch" "ads_schematic" "schematic" "auGate_sch" "auGate.sch" "gate_sch" "gate.sch" "extracted"
asiSetEnvOptionVal(asiGetTool('spectre) "stopViewList"
list("SimMosfetStandard" "SimDiodeStandard" "SimCpolyStandard" "SimCmetalStandard" "SimCfringeStandard" "SimCfringeAccurate" "SimResistorStandard" "SimResistorAccurate" "SimResistorHF" "SimResistorHFV" "SimBipolarStandard" "SimCmimStandard" "SimCapaStd" "SimCapaAcc" "SimMosfetAccurate" "SimMosfetrfStandard" "SimMosfetrfPSP" "SimInductorStandard" "SimInductorAccurate" "SimVaractorStandard" "SimCmomStandard" "SimCmomAccurate" "hspiceS" "hspiceD"
asiSetEnvOptionVal(asiGetTool('spectre) "modelFiles"
list( strcat(getShellEnvVar("PDKITROOT") "/" "/SIMU/SPECTRE/ST/corners.scs" )
But when we perform a simulation, the two lists in the environment settings appear like :
spectre cmos_sch cmos.sch schematic veriloga
When we run the simulation, the error in the CIW is :
ERROR (OSSHNL-116): Unable to descend into any of the views defined in the view list, 'spectre cmos_sch cmos.sch schematic veriloga', for the
instance 'M0' in cell 'inverter'. Add one of these views to the cell 'nlvtlp' in the
library 'cmos045', or modify the view list so that it contains an existing view.
When 'SimMosfetStandard' is added into the switchviewlist, there is no output, and the warnings in “spetre.out” file are:
Warning from spectre during AHDL read-in.
WARNING (VACOMP-2435): The environment variable CDS_AHDLCMI_ENABLE is no longer supported. Therefore, the simulator will use the default compiled C code flow.
Warning from spectre during hierarchy flattening.
WARNING (SPECTRE-17101): The value 'psf' specified using the 'checklimitdest' option will no longer be supported in future releases.
The warnings in CIW are:
WARNING (OSSHNL-117): Ignoring switch view 'SimMosfetStandard' of cell 'nlvtlp' in library 'cmos045', as it does not contain
any instance. To netlist this cell, add this switch view to the stop list or to
ignore any specific instance set the property 'nlAction' to value "ignore" on
this cell view.
WARNING (OSSHNL-117): Ignoring switch view 'SimMosfetStandard' of cell 'plvtlp' in library 'cmos045', as it does not contain
any instance. To netlist this cell, add this switch view to the stop list or to
ignore any specific instance set the property 'nlAction' to value "ignore" on
this cell view.
When the switch lists and stop lists in the « .simrc » file are injected by hands, the errors appear like :
Netlist Error: Could not find netlist procedure:UartDirectSubcktCall instance "M0" in cell-view "Test" "inverter" "schematic"
Netlist Error: Could not find netlist procedure:UartDirectSubcktCall instance "M1" in cell-view "Test" "inverter" "schematic" 就想问问,是否是45nm工艺库与Cadence617的环境不兼容?