read_file -format verilog {./DIG_ALL.v}
source -echo -verbose ./script/dc_setup.tcl
current_design DIG_ALL
source DIG_ALL.constraints.tcl
set_app_var test_default_delay 0
set_app_var test_default_bidir_delay 0
set_app_var test_default_strobe 40
set_app_var test_default_period 100
set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -internal_clocks multi -type ScanClock -port Scan_clk -timing [list 16.7 33.3]
set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type TestMode -port TST_M -active_state 1
set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type ScanEnable -port SCAN_SE -active_state 1
set_dft_signal -view spec -type ScanEnable -port SCAN_SE-active_state 1
set_dft_signal -view spec -type ScanDataIn -port SCAN_SI
set_dft_signal -view spec -type ScanDataOut -port SCAN_SO
set_dft_signal -view spec -type TestData -port Scan_clk
create_test_protocol -infer_async -infer_clock
dc_shell> dft_drc
In mode: all_dft...
Pre-DFT DRC enabled
Warning: A non-unate path in clock network for clock 'ext_clk1_div2'
from pin 'X10992/S' is detected. (TIM-052)
Warning: A non-unate path in clock network for clock 'ext_clk1_div4'
from pin 'X10140/Z' is detected. (TIM-052)
Warning: A non-unate path in clock network for clock 'ext_clk1_div8'
from pin 'X11010/S' is detected. (TIM-052)
Warning: A non-unate path in clock network for clock 'ext_clk1_div16'
from pin 'X11001/S' is detected. (TIM-052)
Warning: A non-unate path in clock network for clock 'ext_clk1_div32'
from pin 'X10991/S' is detected. (TIM-052)
Warning: A non-unate path in clock network for clock 'ext_clk1_div512'
from pin 'X10178/Z' is detected. (TIM-052)
Information: Input delay ('fall') on clock port 'ext_clk0' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('rise') on clock port 'ext_clk0' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('fall') on clock port 'ext_clk1' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('rise') on clock port 'ext_clk1' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('fall') on clock port 'ext_clk0_div2' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('rise') on clock port 'ext_clk0_div2' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('fall') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div2' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('rise') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div2' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('fall') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div4' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('rise') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div4' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('fall') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div8' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('rise') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div8' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('fall') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div16' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('rise') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div16' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('fall') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div32' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('rise') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div32' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('fall') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div512' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Input delay ('rise') on clock port 'ext_clk1_div512' will be added to the clock's propagated skew. (TIM-112)
Information: Starting test design rule checking. (TEST-222)
Loading test protocol
...basic checks...
...basic sequential cell checks...
...checking for scan equivalents...
...checking vector rules...
...checking pre-dft rules...
Begin Pre-DFT violations...
Warning: Clock input CK of DFF X25995 was not controlled. (D1-1)
Information: There are 4505 other cells with the same violation. (TEST-171)
Warning: Set input SDN of DFF X24253 was not controlled. (D2-1)
Information: There are 51 other cells with the same violation. (TEST-171)
Warning: Reset input RDN of DFF X20054 was not controlled. (D3-1)
Information: There are 5425 other cells with the same violation. (TEST-171)
Warning: Clock input CK of DFF X11055 not active when clocks are set on. (D9-1)
Information: There are 1086 other cells with the same violation. (TEST-171)
Warning: Clock D2088 connects to data input (D) of DFF i_DIGFUNG_BLK/X20019. (D10-1)
Information: There are 36 other cells with the same violation. (TEST-171)
Warning: Clock T2001 can capture new data on TE input CK of DFF i_I2C_REG_BLK/X311. (D14-1)
Source of violation: input CK of DFF i_I2C_REG_BLK/X20355.
Information: There are 7 other cells with the same violation. (TEST-171)
Warning: R3000 clock path affected by new capture on LS input RDN of DFF i_DIGFUNG_BLK/X21131. (D15-1)
Source of violation: input RDN of DFF i_I2C_REG_BLK/X20366.
Information: There are 19 other cells with the same violation. (TEST-171)
4506 Uncontrollable clock input of flip-flop violations (D1)
52 DFF set/reset line not controlled violations (D2)
5426 DFF set/reset line not controlled violations (D3)
1087 Clock_port not active when clocks set to on violations (D9)
37 Clock feeding data input violations (D10)
8 Data path affected by clock captured by clock in trailing edge clock_port violations (D14)
20 Clock path affected by clock captured by clock in level sensitive clock_port violations (D15)
Warning: Violations occurred during test design rule checking. (TEST-124)
*5704 cells have test design rule violations
* 97 cells are clock gating cells
* 64 cells are valid scan cells
you are using stupid command auto_fix will cause a lot of logic add-on. The idea is tracing on the GUI. for example : Warning: Clock input CK of DFF X25995 was not controlled. (D1-1)
Step 1 . Open GUI -> TEST -> run drc
Step 2. Click D1-1 trace back DFF.CK
Warning: Clock input CK of DFF X25995 was not controlled. (D1-1)这个告警应该和和分屏时钟,虽然我通过命令set_dft_configuration -fix_clock enable,让所有的触发器都能加入扫描链中,但是现在问题来了,使用set_dft_configuration -fix_clock enable这条命令后,仿真就过不了了。大侠,应该怎么解决这样的问题啊??