ccopt_design -cts
(ccopt_design): CTS Engine: auto. Used Spec: pre-existing CCOPT spec.
**ERROR: (IMPTCM-162): "" does not match any object in design for specified type "layer " object in command "create_route_type".
**ERROR: (IMPTCM-4): The value "" specified for the object type of argument "-top_preferred_layer" is not valid. Review the command specification and remove the argument or specify a legal value.
**ERROR: (IMPTCM-162): "" does not match any object in design for specified type "layer " object in command "create_route_type".
**ERROR: (IMPTCM-4): The value "" specified for the object type of argument "-top_preferred_layer" is not valid. Review the command specification and remove the argument or specify a legal value.
Placement constraints of type 'region' or 'fence' will not be downgraded to 'guide' because the property change_fences_to_guides has been set to false.