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[求助] 如何瞬态仿真后的电路静态值做DC下的温度扫描

发表于 2019-7-22 20:42:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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How to simulate DC sweep after TRAN?各位大神,请教个问题:怎么在瞬态仿真后利用瞬态后的电路静态值来做DC下的温度扫描?
        我用的IC61,在网上查了一些资料讲spectre.fc调用到DC OPTIONS设置中的readns里,发现DC输出

发表于 2019-7-23 09:22:33 | 显示全部楼层
参见Hspice 手册498页。
《HSPICE User Guide, Basic Simulation and Analysis, version J-2014.09》

In some situations, a .TRAN analysis may be needed to establish the operating
point used for .AC or .NOISE analysis.
To do this, use the combination of commands as shown in the example below:
.TRAN 1n 5u $ Transient analysis
.OP 1u 2 u 3u $ Request operating point analysis
.AC DEC 100 1 20e9 $ AC analysis
.NOISE V(out) V1 $ NOISE analysis

HSPICE performs separate .AC analyses for all time values specified as well
as one .AC run at time zero. This happens during the .TRAN analysis as it
does the .OP and .AC evaluations, and results in separate *.AC0 files with
unique labels for each time value specified. An *.ac0@tranop.grp file is also
created when you run .AC/.NOISE with .TRAN analysis.
In addition, the .OP used at the time values specified is fully dynamic, meaning
it uses all sources and nonlinearities involved at that time value during
the .TRAN. The charges and currents of the .TRAN are used and preserved for
the .AC. It does this by using the derivatives (C=dQ/dv, G=dI/dv) at that point in
the .TRAN for computing the .AC small-signal analysis.
The .AC and .NOISE analysis is then performed at this operating point.
For additional information, see .OP analysis in the HSPICE Reference Manual:
Commands and Control Options
 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-23 11:46:19 | 显示全部楼层

nanke 发表于 2019-7-23 09:22
参见Hspice 手册498页。
《HSPICE User Guide, Basic Simulation and Analysis, version J-2014.09》

tran 后仿AC和noise我在cadence下会仿,不过cadence不支持trans后DC扫描。后来我想了下可能这样本来就有点违背DC扫描的原理。

发表于 2021-11-1 17:04:43 | 显示全部楼层
tran仿真后面用parametric analysis扫温度,多来一些点,其实跟trans带dc温度差不多
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