1、[John G.Maneatis]的博士论文:[John G.Maneatis]Precise Delay Generation Using Coupled[phD].pdf
[John G.Maneatis]Low-Jitter Process-Independent DLL and PLL Based on Self-Biased Techniques.PDF
[John G.Maneatis]Precise delay generation using coupled oscillators.PDF
[John G.Maneatis]Self-Biased High-Bandwidth Low-Jitter 1-to-4096 Multiplier Clock Generator PLL.pdf 其专利有:
[John G.Maneatis]System and method to reduce phase offset and delay-locked loops using self-biased circuit[patent].pdf
[John G.Maneatis]Multiple_interconnected_ring_oscillator_circuit[patent].pdf
2、[John McNeill]的博士论文[John McNeill]jitter in ring oscillators[phD].pdf
[John McNeill]对jitter in ring oscillators的分析堪称具有里程碑的意义,可以好好看一下。
[John McNeill]Jitter in Ring Oscillators[SSC].pdf
3、[Mozhgan Mansuri]的博士论文[Mozhgan Mansuri]Low-power Low-jitter On-chip Clock Generation[phD].pdf
话说[Mozhgan Mansuri]是2003毕业于UCLA,应该算是[John G.Maneatis](1994年毕业)的小师妹,
她在02年发表过一篇经典的paper: jitter optimization based on phase-locked loop design parameters,对jitter有着深入详细的研究,想学习jitter的人不要错过。
[Mozhgan Mansuri]Fast Frequency Acquisition Phase-Frequency Detectors for GSas Phase-locked Loops[SSC].pdf
[Mozhgan Mansuri]Jitter Optimization Based on Phase-Locked Loop Design Parameters[SSC].pdf
[Mozhgan Mansuri]Methodology for On-Chip Adaptive Jitter Minimization in Phase-locked loops.pdf
4、个人收集的几篇关于【jitter@phase noise】的论文,篇篇堪称经典,列于下,各位自己斟酌下载。
[Asad A.Abidi]Phase Noise and Jitter in CMOS Ring Oscillators.pdf
[Ali Hajimiri]A General Theory of Phase Noise in Electrical Oscillators.pdf
[Behzad razavi]A study of oscillator jitter due to supply and substrate noise.pdf
[D.B.Lesson]A simple model of feedback oscillator noise spectrum.pdf
[Thomas H.lee]Oscillator Phase Noise-A Tutorial.pdf