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3GPP TS 38.300内有写NCI & gNB ID:
8.2 Network IdentitiesThe following identities are used in NG-RAN for identifying a specific network entity: - AMF Name: used to identify an AMF. - NR Cell Global Identifier (NCGI): used to identify NR cells globally. The NCGI is constructed from the PLMN identity the cell belongs to and the NR Cell Identity (NCI) of the cell. - gNB Identifier (gNB ID): used to identify gNBs within a PLMN. The gNB ID is contained within the NCI of its cells. - Global gNB ID: used to identify gNBs globally. The Global gNB ID is constructed from the PLMN identity the gNB belongs to and the gNB ID. The MCC and MNC are the same as included in the NCGI.
3GPP TSG-RAN WG3 Meeting #102
R3-186834 Spokane, WA, U.S., 12th - 16th November 2018
Agenda Item: Source:
Ericsson Title:
TNL address discovery with the flexible gNB/en-gNB ID length Document for:
Discussions & Approval 1
IntroductionThis contribution deals with the delicate situation of having specified a flexible gNB ID length, forming the MSBs (22 to 32 bits) of the NR Cell Identity (36bits) and the lack of the gNB ID length information in the system broadcast.
看起来gNB ID的长度似乎从去年底就已经确定为可变动了。
想请问有人知道这个可变动范围的需求是会应用在哪呢? 有可能用到2的32次方那么多数量的5G NR站吗?
NCI (36bits)减去gNB ID(22~32bits)剩下的4~14bits是像LTE那样给cell ID使用吗? 实在想不出如此多cell ID的使用场景… |