如題,請問各位大大有注意到使用cadence spectre 理想上進入ADE環境時 model library 中的各種.scs檔都自動載入了並且也選好section了
以下在CIW 中 輸入load("PDK路徑/libInit.il")
Initializing from libInit.il for library tsmc18rf...
-- tsmc18rf_updateCDFs.ile
function tsmc18rf_updateCDFs redefined
-- tsmc18rf.cxt
*WARNING* (loadContext): context tsmc18rf already loaded
Loading Working place Display File '/root/Desktop/T018MMSP001K1/display.drf'
ERROR (ADE-5066): Tool 'hspiceS' has not been registered.
ERROR (ADE-5067): Unable to initialize tool 'hspiceS'; either tool class is not
defined or tool is not registered.
*Error* The default SKILL generic function has not been defined for the function "asiSetNetlistOption". Ensure that this function is called with the correct argument(s) (tool name value).
*Error* load: error while loading file - "/root/Desktop/T018MMSP001K1/tsmc18rf/libInit.il" at line 239