发表于 2017-10-29 14:50:43
Chapter 1: Introduction to Low P ower Issues in VLSI. This chapter presents an
overview of the low voltage, low power digital and analog ICs and their applications,
and also the context of the book and its motivations.
Chapter 2: S caling and Shor t Channel Effects in MO SFET. Chapter 2 focuses
on the fundamental aspects of short channel effects which is considered as a fundamental roadblock to the future downscaled devices and is of immediate relevance
to the practical low power IC design. Advanced semiconductor IC fabrication technologies have increased the ability of shrinking or scaling of the devices with an
intention to make them smaller, faster, less power-consuming and reliable. The aggressive scaling of the CMOS technology in the deep submicrometer regime gives rise
to the detrimental short channel effects. Thus, Chapter 2 gives a brief introduction to
the short channel effects and their preventions
Chapter 3: Advanced Energy-reduced CMO S Inver ter Design. This chapter is
concerned with the theory of inverters, known as the basic building block of the digital ICs, to set a solid foundation to understand the rest of this book by discussing
basic operation and other advanced issues in both super-threshold and subthreshold
regions of operation.
Chapter 4: Advanced Combinational Circuit Design. The topic on this chapter
focuses on the design principles of combinational digital logic circuits with an objective to make them fast, small and reliable. After providing a preliminary review of
the basic concepts of combinational digital logic design using different approaches,
a number of design examples are demonstrated, followed by ultralow power implementation of combinational circuits.Chapter 5: Advanced Energy-reduced S equential Circuit Design. The objective of this chapter is to deal with advanced sequential circuit design techniques for
clocked logic structures that are fast, reliable, energy-efficient and race-free. The
chapter also discusses the energy-efficient implementation of sequential circuits with
introduction to adiabatic logic.
Chapter 6: Introduction to Memor y Design. This chapter considers the technological issues necessary to comprehend the design and operation of low power, high
speed MOS-based memory systems. The evolution of memory design over the years
has been described briefly. This chapter shows the way to design various types of
ROMs and RAMs. The features and architectures of latest memories available in the
market are also presented.
Chapter 7: Analog Low P ower VLSI Circuit Design. The purpose of this chapter
is to present the design techniques of low power analog ICs and the fundamental
issues associated with the design of analog/mixed-signal system-on-chip design.