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Part 1: Communication fundamentals
1. Introduction 1
2. Review of basic ideas from digital communication 12
3. Digital communication systems and filter banks 70
4. Discrete-time representations 113
5. Classical transceiver techniques 167
6. Channel capacity 216
7. Channel equalization with transmitter redundancy 244
8. The lazy precoder with a zero-forcing equalizer 295
Part 2: Transceiver optimization
9. History and outline 317
10. Single-input single-output transceiver optimization 332
11. Optimal transceivers for diagonal channels 370
12. MMSE transceivers with zero-forcing equalizers 397
13. MMSE transceivers without zero forcing 430
14. Bit allocation and power minimization 452
15. Transceivers with orthonormal precoders 477
16. Minimization of error probability in transceivers 494
17. Optimization of cyclic-prefix transceivers 528
18. Optimization of zero-padded systems 577
19. Transceivers with decision feedback equalizers 592
Part 3: Mathematical background
20. Matrix differentiation 660
21. Convexity, Schur convexity and majorization theory 694
22. Optimization with equality and inequality constraints 730
Part 4: Appendices
A. Inner products, norms, and inequalities 750
B. Matrices: a brief overview 753
C. Singular value decomposition 766
D. Properties of pseudo-circulant matrices 771
E. Random processes 779
F. Wiener filtering 792
G. Review of concepts from sampling theory 802
H. Euclid’s algorithm 808
I. Transceiver optimization: summary and tables 812
Glossary 825
Acronyms 826
References 827
Index 845
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