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请问这段代码的问题在哪,为什么会引入flipflop? DEFAULT branch of CASE statement cannot be reached是怎么造成的?
Inferred memory devices in process
in routine accum line 153 in file
| Register Name | Type | Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST |
| accum_reg | Flip-flop | 8 | Y | N | N | N | N | N | N |
Presto compilation completed successfully.
Information: Building the design 'alu'. (HDL-193)
Warning: /home/IC/project/cpu_test/risc_cpu_new.v:188: DEFAULT branch of CASE statement cannot be reached. (ELAB-311)
- module alu(
- input wire alu_clk,
- input wire [7:0] data,
- input wire [7:0] accum,
- input wire [2:0] opcode,
- output reg [7:0] alu_out,
- output wire zero );
- parameter HLT = 3'b000,
- SKZ = 3'b001,
- ADD = 3'b010,
- ANDD = 3'b011,
- XORR = 3'b100,
- LDA = 3'b101,
- STO = 3'b110,
- JMP = 3'b111;
- assign zero = !accum;
- always @( posedge alu_clk ) begin
- casex( opcode )
- HLT:
- alu_out <= accum;
- SKZ:
- alu_out <= accum;
- ADD:
- alu_out <= data + accum;
- alu_out <= data & accum;
- alu_out <= data ^ accum;
- LDA:
- alu_out <= data;
- STO:
- alu_out <= accum;
- JMP:
- alu_out <= accum;
- default:
- alu_out <= 8'hxx;
- endcase
- end
endmodule |