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error with ic6.17 hitkit

发表于 2017-1-4 02:16:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Reading file:  /home/mohamed/simulation/CS_amp/spectre/schematic/netlist/input.scs
Reading file:  /opt/cadence/installs/MMSIM151/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/spectre.cfg
Reading file:  /usr/include/stdc-predef.h
Reading file:  /home/mohamed/Ingenuity/EDA_Works/AMS350/spectre/c35/soac/cmos53.scs
Reading file:  /home/mohamed/Ingenuity/EDA_Works/AMS350/spectre/c35/soac/res.scs
Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 257.844 ms, elapsed = 407.37 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 279.52 ms, elapsed = 407.378 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 40.6 Mbytes.

The CPU load for active processors is :
        Spectre  0 (100.0 %)     1 (79.5 %)     

Error found by spectre in `modn', during circuit read-in.
    ERROR (SFE-23): "/home/mohamed/Ingenuity/EDA_Works/AMS350/spectre/c35/soac/cmos53.scs" 28: The instance `soac_m1' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `modn_ahdl'. Either include the file containing the definition of `modn_ahdl', or define `modn_ahdl' before running the simulation.
Error found by spectre in `rpolyh', during circuit read-in.
    ERROR (SFE-23): "/home/mohamed/Ingenuity/EDA_Works/AMS350/spectre/c35/soac/res.scs" 237: The instance `soac_m1' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `rpolyh_ahdl'. Either include the file containing the definition of `rpolyh_ahdl', or define `rpolyh_ahdl' before running the simulation.

Reading link:  /opt/cadence/installs/MMSIM151/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/discipline.h
Reading file:  /opt/cadence/installs/MMSIM151/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/disciplines.vams
Reading link:  /opt/cadence/installs/MMSIM151/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/constants.h
Reading file:  /opt/cadence/installs/MMSIM151/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/constants.vams
Opening directory input.ahdlSimDB/ (775)
Opening directory input.ahdlSimDB// (775)
Opening directory input.ahdlSimDB// (775)
Compiling ahdlcmi module library.
Finished compilation in 2.24 s (elapsed).
Installed compiled interface for bsource_2756cf.

Error found by spectre in `modn':`MN2', during hierarchy flattening.
    ERROR (SFE-1996): "/home/mohamed/Ingenuity/EDA_Works/AMS350/spectre/c35/soac/cmos53.scs" 27: Parameter `dvthmat': Cannot run

the simulation because an unknown parameter `mv_modn53' has been specified in expression `(mv_modn53+mmvth)*(0.67e-08/sqrt(l*w*ng))'. Correct the expression and rerun the simulation.

    ERROR (SFE-1996): "/home/mohamed/Ingenuity/EDA_Works/AMS350/spectre/c35/soac/cmos53.scs" 27: Parameter `dumat': Cannot run

the simulation because an unknown parameter `mu_modn53' has been specified in expression `(mu_modn53+mmu0)*(4.9e-9/sqrt(l*w*ng))'. Correct the expression and rerun the simulation.

Error found by spectre in `rpolyh':`R0', during hierarchy flattening.
    ERROR (SFE-1996): "/home/mohamed/Ingenuity/EDA_Works/AMS350/spectre/c35/soac/res.scs" 235: Parameter `dmat': Cannot run the

simulation because an unknown parameter `mr_rpolyh' has been specified in expression `(mr_rpolyh+mmw)*(4.6e-08/sqrt(l*w))'. Correct the expression and rerun the simulation.

Time for Elaboration: CPU = 92.339 ms, elapsed = 2.3369 s.
Time accumulated: CPU = 372.115 ms, elapsed = 2.74454 s.
Peak resident memory used = 55.1 Mbytes.

Aggregate audit (7:15:29 PM, Tue Jan 3, 2017):
Time used: CPU = 372 ms, elapsed = 2.75 s, util. = 13.6%.
Time spent in licensing: elapsed = 169 ms, percentage of total = 6.17%.
Peak memory used = 55.2 Mbytes.
Simulation started at: 7:15:26 PM, Tue Jan 3, 2017, ended at: 7:15:29 PM, Tue Jan 3, 2017, with elapsed time (wall clock): 2.75 s.
spectre completes with 5 errors, 0 warnings, and 0 notices.
spectre terminated prematurely due to fatal error.
发表于 2019-9-11 10:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
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