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各位高手,我使用的是altera的FPGA,然后设计中使用到了其中的PCIE IP,分配完管脚,综合没有问题。但是我想看一下PCIE 输出数据的管脚tx_out输出的数据。我将这个PIN信号加入到了singletap中,但是这样综合就会报下面的错误:
Error (15761): Output port dataout of the GXB transmitter channel PMA atom "transmit_pma0" must be connected to an output pin
Error (15761): Output port dataout of the GXB transmitter channel PMA atom "transmit_pma0" must be connected to an output pin
Error: Quartus II 32-bit Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 307 warnings
Error: Peak virtual memory: 550 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Mon Sep 19 15:50:16 2016
Error: Elapsed time: 00:01:04
Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:59
Error (293001): Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 4 errors, 307 warnings
不知道高手们遇到过上面的情况没?有没有解决的办法? |