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- //SD Card, SPI mode, Verilog simulation model
- //
- //Version history:
- //1.0 2016.06.13 1st released by tsuhuai.chan@gmail.com
- // Most of the Card information is referenced
- // from Toshiba 2G and 256MB SD card
- //
- //parsed commands:
- // CMD0, CMD8, CMD9, CMD10, CMD12, CMD13, CMD16, CMD17, CMD18,
- // CMD24, CMD25, CMD27, CMD55, CMD51, CMD58, ACMD13, ACMD51
- //Not parsed command: (still responses based on spec)
- // CMD1, CMD6, CMD9, CMD10, CMD30, CMD32, CMD33, CMD42, CMD56,
- // CMD59, ACMD22, ACMD23, ACMD41, ACMD42
- //Memory size of this model should be 2GB, however only 2MB is
- // implemened to reduce system memory required during simulation.
- // The initial value of all internal memory is word_address+3.
- //Detail command status
- // 1. card response of ACMD51: not sure
- // 2. lock/unlock: not implemented
- // 3. erase: not implemented
- // 4. read multiple block: seems verify OK
- // 5. write single block: seems verify OK
- // 6. write multiple block: not verified
- // 7. partial access: not implemented
- // 8. misalign: no check
- // 9. SDHC address: not verified
- `timescale 1ns/1ns
- `define UD 1
- module spi_sd_model (rstn, ncs, sclk, miso, mosi);
- input rstn;
- input ncs;
- input sclk;
- input mosi;
- output miso;
- parameter tNCS = 1;//0 ~
- parameter tNCR = 1;//1 ~ 8
- parameter tNCX = 0;//0 ~ 8
- parameter tNAC = 1;//from CSD
- parameter tNWR = 1;//1 ~
- parameter tNBR = 0;//0 ~
- parameter tNDS = 0;//0 ~
- parameter tNEC = 0;//0 ~
- parameter tNRC = 1;//
- parameter MEM_SIZE = 2048*1024;//2M
- parameter PowerOff = 0;
- parameter PowerOn = 1;
- parameter IDLE = 2;
- parameter CmdBit47 = 3;
- parameter CmdBit46 = 4;
- parameter CommandIn = 5;
- parameter CardResponse = 6;
- parameter ReadCycle = 7;
- parameter WriteCycle = 8;
- parameter DataResponse = 9;
- parameter CsdCidScr = 10;
- parameter WriteStop = 11;
- parameter WriteCRC = 12;
- integer i = 0;//counter index
- integer j = 0;//counter index
- integer k = 0;//for MISO (bit count of a byte)
- integer m = 0;//for MOSI (bit count during CMD12)
- reg miso;
- reg [7:0] flash_mem [0:MEM_SIZE-1];
- reg [7:0] token;//captured token during CMD24, CMD25
- reg [15:0] crc16_in;
- reg [6:0] crc7_in;
- reg [7:0] sck_cnt;//74 sclk after power on
- reg [31:0] csd_reg;
- reg [31:0] block_cnt;
- reg init_done;//must be defined before ocr.v
- reg [3:0] st;//SD Card internal state
- reg app_cmd;//
- reg [7:0] datain;
- reg [511:0] ascii_command_state;
- reg [2:0] ist;//initialization stage
- reg [45:0] cmd_in, serial_in;
- wire [5:0] cmd_index = cmd_in[45:40];
- wire [31:0] argument = cmd_in[39:8];
- wire [6:0] crc = cmd_in[7:1];
- wire read_single = (cmd_index == 17);
- wire read_multi = (cmd_index == 18);
- wire write_single = (cmd_index == 24);
- wire write_multi = (cmd_index == 25);
- wire pgm_csd = (cmd_index == 27);
- wire send_csd = (cmd_index == 9);
- wire send_cid = (cmd_index == 10);
- wire send_scr = (cmd_index == 51) && app_cmd;
- wire read_cmd = read_single | read_multi;
- wire write_cmd = write_single | write_multi;
- wire mem_rw = read_cmd | write_cmd;
- reg [31:0] start_addr;
- reg [31:0] block_len;
- reg [7:0] capture_data;//for debugging
- reg [3:0] VHS;//Input VHS through MOSI
- reg [7:0] check_pattern;//for CMD8
- wire [3:0] CARD_VHS = 4'b0001;//SD card accept voltage range
- wire VHS_match = (VHS == CARD_VHS);
- reg [1:0] multi_st;//for CMD25
- reg [45:0] serial_in1;//for CMD25
- wire [5:0] cmd_in1 = serial_in1[45:40];//for CMD25
- wire stop_transmission = (cmd_in1 == 12);//for CMD25
- //Do not change the positions of these include files
- //Also, ocr.v must be included before csd.v
- `include "./ocr.v"
- `include "./csd.v"
- `include "./cid.v"
- `include "./scr.v"
- `include "./ssr.v"
- `include "./csr.v"
- //
- task R1;
- input [7:0] data;
- begin
- $display(" SD R1: 0x%2h at %0t ns",data, $realtime);
- k = 0;
- while (k < 8) begin
- @(negedge sclk) miso = data[7-k];
- k = k + 1;
- end
- end
- endtask
- task R1b;
- input [7:0] data;
- begin
- $display(" SD R1B: 0x%2h at %0t ns",data, $realtime);
- k = 0;
- while (k < 8) begin
- @(negedge sclk) miso = data[7-k];
- k = k + 1;
- end
- end
- endtask
- task R2;
- input [15:0] data;
- begin
- $display(" SD R2: 0x%2h at %0t ns",data, $realtime);
- k = 0;
- while (k < 16) begin
- @(negedge sclk) miso = data[15-k];
- k = k + 1;
- end
- end
- endtask
- task R3;
- input [39:0] data;
- begin
- $display(" SD R3: 0x%10h at %0t ns",data, $realtime);
- for (k =0; k < 40; k = k + 1) begin
- @(negedge sclk) ;
- miso = data[39 - k];
- end
- end
- endtask
- task R7;
- input [39:0] data;
- begin
- $display(" SD R7: 0x%10h at %0t ns",data,$realtime);
- k = 0;
- while (k < 40) begin
- @(negedge sclk) miso = data[39-k];
- k = k + 1;
- end
- end
- endtask
- task DataOut;
- input [7:0] data;
- begin
- $display(" SD DataOut 0x%2H at %0t ns",data, $realtime);
- k = 0;
- while (k < 8) begin @(negedge sclk) miso = data[7 - k]; k = k + 1; end end endtask task DataIn; begin for (k = 7; k >= 0; k = k - 1) begin
- @(posedge sclk) capture_data[k] = mosi;
- end
- $display(" SD DataIn: %2h at %0t ns",capture_data, $realtime);
- end
- endtask
- always @(*) begin
- if (pgm_csd) csd_reg = argument;
- end
- task CRCOut;
- input [15:0] data;
- begin
- $display(" SD CRC Out 0x%4H at %0t ns",data, $realtime);
- k = 0;
- while (k < 16) begin
- @(negedge sclk) miso = data[15 - k];
- k = k + 1;
- end
- end
- endtask
- task TokenOut;
- input [7:0] data;
- begin
- $display(" SD TokenOut 0x%2H at %0t ns",data, $realtime);
- k = 0;
- while (k < 8) begin
- @(negedge sclk) miso = data[7 - k];
- k = k + 1;
- end
- end
- endtask
- always @(*) begin
- if (~rstn) app_cmd = 1'b0;
- else if (cmd_index == 55 && st == IDLE) app_cmd = 1;
- else if (cmd_index != 55 && st == IDLE) app_cmd = 0;
- end
- always @(*) begin
- if (sdsc && mem_rw) start_addr = argument;
- else if (v2sdhc && mem_rw) start_addr = argument * block_len;
- end
- always @(*) begin
- if (v2sdhc) block_len = 512;
- else if (sdsc && cmd_index == 0) block_len = (READ_BL_LEN == 9) ? 512 : (READ_BL_LEN == 10) ? 1024 : 2048;
- else if (sdsc && cmd_index == 16) block_len = argument[31:0];
- end
- always @(*) begin
- if (cmd_index == 8) VHS = argument[11:8];
- if (cmd_index == 8) check_pattern = argument[7:0];
- end
- always @(*) begin
- if (ist == 0 && cmd_index == 0) begin
- $display("iCMD0 at %0t ns",$realtime);
- ist <= 1;
- end
- if (ist == 1 && cmd_index == 8) begin
- $display("iCMD8 at %0t ns",$realtime);
- ist <= 2;
- end
- if (ist == 2 && cmd_index == 58) begin
- $display("iCMD58 at %0t ns",$realtime);
- ist <= 3;
- end
- if (ist == 3 && cmd_index == 55) begin
- $display("iCMD55 at %0t ns",$realtime);
- ist <= 4;
- end
- if (ist == 4 && cmd_index == 41) begin
- $display("iACMD41 at %0t ns",$realtime);
- ist <= 5;
- end
- if (ist == 5 && cmd_index == 58 && CSD_VER == 1) begin
- $display("iCMD58 at %0t ns",$realtime);
- ist <= 6;
- end
- else if (ist == 5 && CSD_VER == 0) ist <= 6;
- if (ist == 6 && st == IDLE) begin
- $display("Init Done at %0t ns",$realtime);
- if (v2sdhc) $display("Ver 2, SDHC detected");
- else if (v2sdsc) $display("Ver 2, SDSC detected");
- else if (v1sdsc) $display("Ver 1, SDSC detected");
- init_done = 1;
- ist <= 7;
- end
- end
- always @(*) begin
- if (st == ReadCycle) begin
- case (multi_st)
- 0:
- begin
- @(posedge sclk) if (~ncs && ~mosi) multi_st = 1; else multi_st = 0;
- end
- 1:
- begin
- @(posedge sclk); if (mosi) multi_st = 2; else multi_st = 1;
- end
- 2:
- begin
- m = 0;
- while (m < 46) begin
- @(posedge sclk) serial_in1[45-m] = mosi;
- #1 m = m + 1;
- end
- multi_st = 0;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- always @(*) begin
- case (st)
- PowerOff:
- begin
- @(posedge rstn) st <= PowerOn;
- end
- PowerOn:
- begin
- if (sck_cnt < 73) begin
- @(posedge sclk) sck_cnt = sck_cnt + 1;
- end
- if (sck_cnt == 73) st <= IDLE; else st <= PowerOn;
- end
- begin
- @(posedge sclk) if (~ncs && ~mosi) st <= CmdBit46; else st <= IDLE;
- end
- CmdBit46:
- begin
- @(posedge sclk); if (mosi) st <= CommandIn; else st <= CmdBit46; end CommandIn://capture command input -> NCR
- begin
- for (i = 0; i < 46; i = i + 1) begin
- @(posedge sclk) ;serial_in[45-i] = mosi;
- end
- cmd_in = serial_in;
- repeat (tNCR*8) @(posedge sclk);
- st <= CardResponse; end CardResponse://CardResponse -> delay
- begin
- if (~app_cmd) begin
- case (cmd_index)
- 6'd0: R1(8'b0000_0001);
- 6'd1,
- 6'd6,
- 6'd16,
- 6'd17,
- 6'd18,
- 6'd24,
- 6'd25,
- 6'd27,
- 6'd30,
- 6'd32,
- 6'd33,
- 6'd42,
- 6'd55,
- 6'd56,
- 6'd59: R1(8'b0110_1010);
- 6'd9,
- 6'd10: if (init_done) R1(8'b1010_0001); else R1(0000_0100);
- 6'd12,
- 6'd28,
- 6'd29,
- 6'd38: R1b(8'b0011_1010);
- 6'd8: if (VHS_match) begin
- $display(" VHS match");
- R7({8'h01 | (VHS_match ? 8'h04 : 8'h00), 20'h00000, VHS, check_pattern});
- end
- else begin
- $display(" VHS not match");
- R7({8'h01 | (VHS_match ? 8'h04 : 8'h00), 20'h00000, 4'b0, check_pattern});
- end
- 6'd58: R3({8'b0000_0000, OCR});
- default: R1(8'b0000_0100);//illegal command
- endcase
- end
- else if (~read_multi) begin
- case (cmd_index)
- 6'd22,
- 5'd23,
- 6'd41,
- 6'd42,
- 6'd51: R1(8'b0000_0000);
- default: R1(8'b0000_0100);//illegal command
- endcase
- end
- @(posedge sclk);
- if (read_cmd && init_done && ~stop_transmission) begin
- miso = 1;
- repeat (tNAC*8) @(posedge sclk);
- st <= ReadCycle;
- end
- else if (read_cmd && init_done && stop_transmission) begin
- miso = 1;
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(posedge sclk);
- st <= IDLE;
- end
- else if ((send_csd || send_cid || send_scr) && init_done) begin
- miso = 1;
- repeat (tNCX*8) @(posedge sclk);
- st <= CsdCidScr;
- end
- else if (write_cmd && init_done) begin
- miso = 1;
- repeat (tNWR*8) @(posedge sclk);
- st <= WriteCycle;
- end
- else begin
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(posedge sclk);
- st <= IDLE;
- end
- end
- CsdCidScr:
- begin
- if (send_csd) begin
- DataOut(CSD[127:120]);
- DataOut(CSD[119:112]);
- DataOut(CSD[111:104]);
- DataOut(CSD[103:96]);
- DataOut(CSD[95:88]);
- DataOut(CSD[87:80]);
- DataOut(CSD[79:72]);
- DataOut(CSD[71:64]);
- DataOut(CSD[63:56]);
- DataOut(CSD[55:48]);
- DataOut(CSD[47:40]);
- DataOut(CSD[39:32]);
- DataOut(CSD[31:24]);
- DataOut(CSD[23:16]);
- DataOut(CSD[15:8]);
- DataOut(CSD[7:0]);
- end
- else if (send_cid) begin
- DataOut(CID[127:120]);
- DataOut(CID[119:112]);
- DataOut(CID[111:104]);
- DataOut(CID[103:96]);
- DataOut(CID[95:88]);
- DataOut(CID[87:80]);
- DataOut(CID[79:72]);
- DataOut(CID[71:64]);
- DataOut(CID[63:56]);
- DataOut(CID[55:48]);
- DataOut(CID[47:40]);
- DataOut(CID[39:32]);
- DataOut(CID[31:24]);
- DataOut(CID[23:16]);
- DataOut(CID[15:8]);
- DataOut(CID[7:0]);
- end
- else if (send_scr) begin
- DataOut(SCR[63:56]);
- DataOut(SCR[55:48]);
- DataOut(SCR[47:40]);
- DataOut(SCR[39:32]);
- DataOut(SCR[31:24]);
- DataOut(SCR[23:16]);
- DataOut(SCR[15:8]);
- DataOut(SCR[7:0]);
- end
- @(posedge sclk);
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(posedge sclk);
- st <= IDLE; end ReadCycle://Start Token -> Data -> CRC(stucked at 16'hAAAA) -> NEC(or NAC)
- begin
- if (read_single) begin
- TokenOut(8'hFE);//Start Token
- for (i = 0; i < block_len; i = i + 1) begin
- DataOut(flash_mem[start_addr+i]);
- end
- CRCOut(16'haaaa);//CRC[15:0]
- @(posedge sclk);
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(negedge sclk);
- st <= IDLE;
- end
- else if (read_multi) begin:loop_1
- for (j = 0; ; j = j + 1) begin
- TokenOut(8'hFE);//Start Token
- i = 0;
- while (i < block_len) begin
- DataOut(flash_mem[start_addr+i+block_len*j]);
- i = i + 1;
- end
- CRCOut(16'haaaa);
- if (stop_transmission) begin//check stop_tx at end of each data block?
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(posedge sclk);
- $display("STOP transmission");
- @(posedge sclk) begin
- R1(8'b0000_0000);
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(posedge sclk);
- st <= IDLE;
- disable loop_1;
- end
- end
- else repeat (tNAC*8) @(negedge sclk);
- end
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(posedge sclk);
- st <= IDLE; end end WriteCycle://Start Token -> Data
- begin
- i = 0;
- while (i < 8) begin
- @(posedge sclk) token[7-i] = mosi;
- i = i + 1;
- end
- if (token == 8'hfe && write_single) $display("Single Write Start Token OK");
- else if (token != 8'hfe && write_single) $display("Single Write Start Token NG");
- if (token == 8'hfc && write_multi) $display("Multiblock Write Start Token OK");
- else if ((token != 8'hfc && token != 8'hfd) && write_multi) $display("Multiblock Write Start Token NG");
- if (token == 8'hfd && write_multi) begin
- $display("Multiblock Write Stop Token");
- st <= WriteStop;
- end
- i = 0;
- while (i < block_len) begin
- DataIn;
- flash_mem[start_addr + i] = capture_data;
- i = i + 1;
- end
- st <= WriteCRC;
- end
- WriteCRC://Capture incoming CRC of data
- begin
- i = 0;
- while (i < 16) begin
- @(posedge sclk) crc16_in[15-i] = mosi;
- i = i + 1;
- end
- st <= DataResponse;
- end
- DataResponse://All clock after data response CRC
- begin
- DataOut(8'b00000101);
- @(negedge sclk); miso = 0;
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(negedge sclk);
- repeat (tNDS*8) @(negedge sclk);
- miso = 1'bz;
- @(negedge sclk);
- miso = 1'b0;
- repeat (100) @(negedge sclk);
- miso = 1;
- @(negedge sclk);
- miso = 1;
- repeat (5) @(posedge sclk);
- if (write_single) st <= IDLE;
- else if (write_multi) st <= WriteCycle;
- end
- WriteStop:
- begin
- repeat (tNBR*8) @(posedge sclk);
- miso = 0;
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(posedge sclk);
- repeat (tNDS*8) @(posedge sclk) miso = 1'bz;
- @(posedge sclk) miso = 1'b0;
- #1000000;//1ms processing time for each block programming
- @(posedge sclk) miso = 1'b1;
- repeat (tNEC*8) @(posedge sclk);
- @(posedge sclk);
- st <= IDLE;
- end
- default: st <= IDLE;
- endcase
- end
- always @(st) begin
- case (st)
- PowerOff: ascii_command_state = "PowerOff";
- PowerOn: ascii_command_state = "PowerOn";
- IDLE: ascii_command_state = "IDLE";
- CmdBit47: ascii_command_state = "CmdBit47";
- CmdBit46: ascii_command_state = "CmdBit46";
- CommandIn: ascii_command_state = "CommandIn";
- CardResponse: ascii_command_state = "CardResponse";
- ReadCycle: ascii_command_state = "ReadCycle";
- WriteCycle: ascii_command_state = "WriteCycle";
- DataResponse: ascii_command_state = "DataResponse";
- CsdCidScr: ascii_command_state = "CsdCidScr";
- WriteStop: ascii_command_state = "WriteStop";
- WriteCRC: ascii_command_state = "WriteCRC";
- default: ascii_command_state = "ERROR";
- endcase
- end
- initial
- begin
- sck_cnt = 0;
- cmd_in = 46'h3fffffffffff;
- serial_in = 46'h3f0f0f0f0f0e;
- crc16_in = 16'h0;
- crc7_in = 7'h0;
- token = 8'h0;
- st <= PowerOff;
- miso = 1'b1;
- init_done = 0;
- ist = 0;
- capture_data = 8'hff;
- start_addr = 32'h0;
- VHS = 4'h0;
- serial_in1 = 46'h0;
- multi_st = 0;
- block_len = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MEM_SIZE - 1; i = i + 1) begin
- flash_mem[i] = i[7:0]+3;
- end
- end
- endmodule
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