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关于silvaco tcad下的晶闸管仿真

发表于 2016-4-19 15:09:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1. go atlasmesh  x.mesh loc=0 spac=2.0x.mesh loc=75 spac=1.0x.mesh loc=200 spac=1.0y.mesh loc=0 spac=1.0y.mesh loc=40 spac=1.0y.mesh loc=90 spac=2.0y.mesh loc=165 spac=2.0y.mesh loc=210 spac=1.0y.mesh loc=270 spac=1.0
  2. region  num=1  silicon
  3. electr  num=1 name=gate  y.min=0 left length=40electr  num=2 name=cathode  y.min=0 right length=100electr  num=3 name=anode  y.min=270
  4. doping  n.type conc=7.1e13 uniformdoping  p.type conc=1e16   junc=230 peak=270  gaussdoping  p.type conc=1e17   junc=20 peak=0 gaussdoping  n.type conc=1e19   peak=0 char=2.2489 x.l=80 x.r=200 gauss
  5. save outf=thyristor.str#tonyplot thyristor.str.begin
  6. #
  7. #  Steady-state simulation of circuit with thyristor
  8. #
  9. i1 0 1 1.
  10. adiode 0=cathode 1=gate 2=anode infile=thyristor.str width=1e6
  11. r1 2 4 0.052
  12. v1 4 0 20.
  13. #
  14. .nodeset v(1)=1 v(2)=0 v(3)=20 v(4)=20
  15. .numeric lte=0.01 toltr=0.01 vchange=10.
  16. #
  17. .save outfile=thyristor_save
  18. .options fulln print debug
  19. .end
  20. models device=adiode reg=1 conmob fldmob consrh auger bgn
  21. material device=adiode reg=1 taun0=5e-6 taup0=2e-6
  22. impact device=adiode reg=1 selb
  23. method gummel block newton maxtrap=10
  24. ###############################################################
  25. .begin
  26. #
  27. #shi yan   
  28. #
  29. i1 0 1 1
  30. adiode 0=cathode 1=gate 2=anode infile=thyristor.str width=1e6
  31. r1 2 4 0.052
  32. v1 4 0 20.
  33. #
  34. .numeric lte=0.01 toltr=0.01 vchange=10.
  35. .options print relpot write=10
  36. #
  37. .log outfile=thyristor
  38. .load infile=thyristor_save
  39. .save master=thyristor
  40. #
  41. .tran 1us 1s
  42. #
  43. .end

  44. models device=adiode reg=1 conmob fldmob consrh auger bgn
  45. material device=adiode reg=1 taun0=5e-6 taup0=2e-6
  46. impact device=adiode reg=1 selb
  47. probe device=adiode  name=n_junc n.conc x=200 y=12
  48. probe device=adiode  name=p_junc p.conc x=200 y=12
  49. probe device=adiode  name=Field_junc field x=200 y=12 dir=90

  50. go atlas
  51. tonyplot thyristor_tr.log
  52. quit

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