发表于 2015-5-8 00:58:57
回复 10# liutao4343
我是按照PDK 里面有个README.KIT.INSTALL安装的。他里面的步骤是这样的: Example:
1) Change directory to a temporary installation directory.
2) Extract the tar archive: tar -xvf <archive> (i.e. kit tar file name)
All files will be located in your current directory.
3) Execute "kit_install"
The script will:
- prompt for your destination directory <install_path>
- confirm your distribution file directory
- list the available packages that were included in the shipment
- prompt for which package(s) you want to install
- ask if the "rel" link should be set up for release number
The "rel" link is a symbolic link to the current release number.
This is useful for PATH statements, but it is not required.
- ask for final confirmation and then install the packages in <install_path>
所以,执行kit_install之后,我把cds.lib,.cdsinit,display.drf,assur_tech.lib都放到了work directory下面。然后再这个folder下面运行virtuoso&.
1.开始cadence IC615之后,我首先看到了三个warning:
*WARNING* (DEBASE-102068): No user triggers registered for viewType schematicSymbol.
*WARNING* (DEBASE-102068): No user triggers registered for viewType maskLayout.
*WARNING* (DEBASE-102068): No user triggers registered for viewType maskLayoutXL.
然后我再CIW里面点击IBM_PDK,create 了一个新的lib: tutorial. 选择M5 number of levels of metal. (这个地方我不知道选择其他的会有什么问题。180nm不是只有6层metal吗?为什么会有其他的选择?)
然后新建了一个cellview: inverter.
我添加的model 是NFET 和PFET。连完线,居然左下角有个vdd!和sub!。 这个怎么处理。我是第一次用IBM的PDK,我知道这两个是PMOS 和NMOS的body.但是我不知道应该怎么处理. 而且在我打开schematic的时候,有个warning:
*WARNING* (icLic-3) Could not get license Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_L
*WARNING* (icLic-21) License Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_L ("95100") is not available to run Schematics-L.
Trying to check out the license Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_XL ("95115") instead.
这个有什么影响吗?是因为我的IC615 没有L license吗?那用这个XL 有影响吗?
打开ADE之后,在design variable里面出现了两个变量,可是我都没有设置,怎么会有呢
对于spectre的model libraries,我不太清楚选择哪些才能保证运行,我尝试了加入NFET,PFET和allmodels.scs,可是无法运行。
我用的是bash shell. 以下是我的.bashrc
# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions
export CDS_Netlisting_Mode=Analog
export AMIS_DFII_DIR=/state/partition1/apps/cadence/IC615
实在是急的很,特此请教一下。希望你能尽可能说多一点。如果可以,咱们可以QQ交流吗?或者email: cmosres@gmail.com
多谢。多谢 |