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[p=193, 2, left]在使用[p=193, 2, left]Xilinx[p=193, 2, left]的[p=193, 2, left]FPGA[p=193, 2, left]开发板时,在设计时内部需要使用不同的时钟频率,[p=193, 2, left]可能会需要一个甚至多个[p=193, 2, left]DCM[p=193, 2, left]把所需要的时钟频率倍频或者是分频出来,[p=193, 2, left]在编[p=193, 2, left]译、综合、映射、布局布线的过程中会出现下列问题([p=193, 2, left]ERROR[p=193, 2, left]):
[p=207, 2, left]ERRORlace:1012 - A clock IOB / DCM component pair have been found that are [p=207, 2, left]not placed at an optimal clock IOB / DCM
[p=207, 2, left]site [p=207, 2, left]pair.
[p=207, 2, left]The [p=207, 2, left]clock [p=207, 2, left]component [p=207, 2, left]<u1/u0/DCM_SP_INST> [p=207, 2, left]is [p=207, 2, left]placed [p=207, 2, left]at [p=207, 2, left]site [p=207, 2, left]<DCM_X0Y1>.
[p=207, 2, left]The clock IO/DCM site can be
[p=207, 2, left]paired if they are placed/locked in the same quadrant.
[p=207, 2, left]The IO component <clk> [p=207, 2, left]is placed at site <32>.
[p=207, 2, left]This will
[p=207, 2, left]not allow the use of the fast path between the IO and the Clock buffer. If this sub [p=207, 2, left]optimal condition is acceptable
[p=207, 2, left]for [p=207, 2, left]this [p=207, 2, left]design, [p=207, 2, left]you [p=207, 2, left]may [p=207, 2, left]use [p=207, 2, left]the [p=207, 2, left]CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE [p=207, 2, left]constraint [p=207, 2, left]in [p=207, 2, left]the .ucf file to demote this message to a
[p=207, 2, left]WARNING and allow your design to continue. However, the use of this override [p=207, 2, left]is highly discouraged as it may lead to
[p=207, 2, left]very poor timing results. It is recommended that this error condition be corrected [p=207, 2, left]in the design. A list of all the
[p=207, 2, left]COMP.PINs used in this clock placement rule is listed below. These examples can [p=207, 2, left]be used directly in the .ucf file to
[p=207, 2, left]override this clock rule.
[p=207, 2, left]< NET "clk" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE; >
[p=207, 2, left]< [p=207, 2, left]PIN [p=207, 2, left]"u1/u0/DCM_SP_INST.CLKIN" [p=207, 2, left]CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE [p=207, 2, left]= [p=207, 2, left]FALSE; >
[p=193, 2, left]在[p=193, 2, left]UCF[p=193, 2, left]里加入上面两句的话,[p=193, 2, left]clk[p=193, 2, left]和[p=193, 2, left]clkin[p=193, 2, left]走的不是全局时钟线:
[p=207, 2, left]< NET "clk" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE; > [p=207, 2, left]< [p=207, 2, left]PIN [p=207, 2, left]"u1/u0/DCM_SP_INST.CLKIN" [p=207, 2, left]CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE [p=207, 2, left]= [p=207, 2, left]FALSE; > |