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本帖最后由 yxysunshine 于 2014-10-20 15:00 编辑
2014年11月7-8日, 香港科技大学资深教授、CMOS RFIC 领域的Howard Cam LUONG 教授来上海讲授CMOS TRANSEIVER 射频集成电路设计的培训课程, 包含 PA, LNA, MIXER, VCO, Fequency dividers等,地点在张江集成电路促进中心(ICC). 本课程属于 CMOS 射频集成电路设计课程,适合具有一定基础的学员:我们将有许多设计中的实际案例讨论,具体课程内容如下面的LIST, 同时, 欢迎大家把项目上的问题事先提交我们, 我们会和教授根据问题的情况,提供合理方式的咨询服务。 2014年12月4-6号(3天),模拟界的著名教授,IEEE 固态电路协会的前主席,集成电路设计领域的权威,鲁汶大学Willy Sansen教授应邀来上海讲授模拟集成电路设计方面的高级培训课程,本次课程主要讲述模拟电路设计及问题解决方案,有许多结合当前模拟电路设计方向的案例,设计实例都来自于JSSC和ISSCC以及欧洲固态电路会议论文,都十分既有创新性和前瞻性。比如说低电源电压设计问题,多级运放的正零点补偿技术,容性噪声匹配问题,ADC'S 、 射频电路等,展示了许多重要的设计经验,对模拟设计是异常珍贵的,面对面与大师交流的机会也是非常难得。这次Willy Sansen教授过来可以提供项目上咨询服务,具体需求可以与我们联系。 CMOS射频集成电路设计培训课程通知(CMOS RFIC Transceiver Design)课程链接:http://weibo.com/p/1001603757641917684008;
Willy Sansen教授高级模拟集成电路设计课程 --Advanced Analog Circuit Design 2014
Why Participate:
The course will discuss the most important practical problems in micro-power and low-voltage circuits facing analog IC designers and their solutions on an advanced level. Among others, the course will cover low-voltage, basic circuit techniques, special low-power, Stability of operational amplifiers, bandgap references, A/D converters and communications circuits. Design of analog circuit blocks is a moving target because of the continuing scaling of power supply voltage, and because of the changing behavior of devices with scaling of technology. Willy Sansen, prof. em. at KU Leuven and former president of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, has updated his Analog Design Essentials lectures. Take the opportunity and learn how to make your analog circuits perform!
Who Should Attend:
This course has been developed for several categories of designers:
- Managers of design teams of analog IP blocks and circuits, and their designers.
- Novice designers to learn about design plans, such that they can master the art of optimum design for low-power and low-noise.
- Digital designers to be able to design and to include low-power analog blocks on digital system chips.
- Designers with analog experience, to update their design knowledge and to tune their experience to the present-day design procedures.
Why Lynne Consulting:
Lynne Consulting is offering advanced engineering courses in the field of analog, RF and mixed-signal IC design targeting the audience of electrical engineers, company managers and marketing engineers working in the semiconductor industry. The lecturers are leading practitioners and top experts in the area from high-technology companies and universities, who teach the most up-to-date information available at the time of the course.
Comments from Past Delegates:
- 'A very useful course full of interesting ideas. Prof. Sansen's knowledge of the subject and mental ability is second to none.'
- 'It is very good to be lectured by one of the world-class experts in this area. Profesor Sansen has presented a difficult design topic in an easy, interesting and stimulating manner.'
- 'Well presented, well organized, up-to-date with excellent example of practical design, probably one of the best course on design you can get.'
- 'I would recommend this course to anyone seeking to gain knowledge on the analog design process especially MOST.'
- 'I would recommend it to anyone wishing to gain knowledge in analogue VLSI.'
Companies & Universities That Have Sent Delegates:
Companies & Universities That Have Sent Delegates:
Course Details: Course Details:
- Duration: 3 days(4th-6th December 2014)
- Location:Shanghai, China
- Fees:¥3800/person
- A discount applies for groups before 23 November 2014 (2 persons(Total:¥7380);3 persons(Total:¥10800);4 persons人(Total:¥13980);5 persons or more(negotiation))
- ¥4200/person booked after 23 November 2014
- ¥2800/person for students
- The above discount can not apply simultaneously
The Course Schedule:
Day 1 4th December 2014 - Noise performance of elementary transistor stages
- Stability of operational amplifiers
- Systematic design of operational amplifiers
- Feedback : Voltage and transconductance amplifiers
Day 2 5th December 2014
- Feedback : Transimpedance and current amplifiers
- Offset and CMRR: random and systematic
- Bandgap and current reference circuits
- Principles of ADCs and DACs
Day 3 6th December 2014
- Low-power Sigma-Delta AD converters
- High-Speed Continuous-time Sigma-Delta converters
- Design of crystal oscillators and VCO’s
- High speed synthesizers and PLLs
Lecturer's Biography:
Willy Sansen 教授于1972 年从加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位,从1980 年起在比利时天主教鲁汶大学担任全职教授。从1984 年到2008年,Willy Sansen教授担任 ESAT-MICAS 实验室的模拟设计带头人。他指导过63 名博士,发表过635 篇文章,出版了6 本专著。他是IEEE 固态电路协会的前主席,并担任过2002 年国际固态电路会议的程序委员会主席。 Willy Sansen教授分别于1978 年在斯坦福大学,1981 年在洛桑联邦理工学院,1985 年在美国费城宾夕法尼亚大学,1994 年在T.H. Ulm,2004年在菲拉赫英飞凌任客座博士。 2011年,Willy Sansen教授由于在固态电路领域做的突出贡献被IEEE固态电路协会授予Donald O. Pederson奖。Donald O. Pederson 奖是IEEE 固态电路的一个技术领域奖,该奖每年由IEEE 固态电路委员会颁发给那些“对固态电路领域有突出贡献”的人。同时他还是IEEE 的终身Fellow。
Advanced Analog Circuit Design 2014.pdf
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