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很高兴通知大家,在 11月7-8号(星期五、六,2天),我们与上海集成电路技术与产业促进中心(ICC)联合组织培训课程。届时,香港科技大学资深教授、COMS RFIC领域的权威Howard Cam LUONG教授将来上海讲授CMOS射频集成电路设计的培训课程。
a) RF Fundaments and Transceiver Architecture:
1. Motivation
2. RF Fundamentals
3. Passive Components
4. Receiver Architecture
5. Transmitter Architecture
b) LNAs:
1. Functionality and Figures of Merits
2. Basic LNA Design:
i. Input Matching Network
ii. Noise and Linearity
iii. Output Loading and Output Matching Network
iv. Stability
v. Differential Design
3. Advanced LNA Design Techniques:
i. Variable gain
ii. Narrow-Band Design
iii. Wide-Band Design
iv. Reconfigurable Narrow-Band Design
v. Noise Cancellation
vi. Linearization
4. Case Study
c) Mixers:
1. Functionality and Figures of Merits
2. Basic Mixer Design:
i. Single-balance mixers
ii. Double-balance mixers
iii. Up-conversion mixers
3. Advanced Mixer Design Techniques:
i. Low-voltage mixer design
ii. Current-steering technique
iii. Linearization
iv. Switched-transconductance mixers
v. Image-rejection mixers
vi. Harmonic-rejection mixers
4. Case Study
d) Synthesizer Architecture:
1. PLL Fundamentals
2. Integer-N Synthesizer
3. Fractional-N Synthesizer
4. Dual-Loop Synthesizer
5. Single-Sideband-Mixer-Based Synthesizer for Fast Settling Time
6. All-Digital Synthesizer
7. Injection-Locked Synthesizer
e) VCOs:
1. Fundamentals and Figures of Merits
2. Phase Noise and Spur Specification
3. Basic VCO Design:
i. Ring VCOs
ii. LC VCOs
iii. Phase Noise Estimate
4. Advanced VCO Design Techniques:
i. Transformer-Feedback VCOs
ii. Quadrature VCOs
iii. Magnetic-Tuning VCOs
iv. Phase-Tuning VCOs
v. Multiple-band VCOs
vi. Mixer-Divider-Based Technique VCOs
f) Frequency Dividers:
1. Fundamentals and Figures of Merit
2. Digital Dividers:
i. Fixed Division
ii. Dual-Modulus Division Using Gating Approach
iii. Multiple-Modulus Division
iv. Phase-Shifting Technique
3. Analog Dividers:
i. Injected-Locked Dividers
ii. Regenerative Dividers (Miller Dividers)
iii. Advanced Divider Techniques
g) Power Amplifiers:
1. Fundamentals and Figures of Merit
2. Classical Design (Class A, B, C)
3. High-Efficiency Design (Class E, F)
4. Power Combining Techniques
5. Digital PA
h) Case Studies:
1. Synthesizers:
i. 1-V WLAN Synthesizer
ii. SDR Synthesizer (50MHz – 10GHz, 20GHz, 40GHz)
iii. Ultra-Wide-Band Point-To-Point Synthesizer (20GHz – 48GHz)
2. Transceivers:
i. 1-V WLAN Transceiver
ii. UWB Transceiver
Howard Cam LUONG教授简介:
Prof. Howard Luong received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) from University of California at Berkeley in 1988, 1990, and 1994, respectively. Since September 1994, he has joined theEEE facultyat theHong Kong University of Science and Technologywhere he is a professor. In 2001, he spent his one‐year sabbatical leave to develop a new wireless product at Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., Sunnyvale, California, USA. From August 2013 to July 2014, he was a MediaTek Endowed Visiting Professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
Professor Luong’s research interests are in analog, RF, and mm-Wave integrated circuits and systems for wireless and portable applications. He was a co-author of the two books entitled "Low-Voltage RF CMOS Frequency Synthesizers" published by Cambridge University Press in August 2004 and "Design of Low-Voltage CMOS Switched-Opamp Switched-Capacitor Systems" published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in July 2003.
Professor Luong is an IEEE Fellow. He is currently serving as an IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Distinguished Lecturer, an Associate Editor for IEEE Virtual Journal on RFIC, a Guest Editor for Journal of Emerging Technologies on Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), and a technical program committee member of many international conferences, including IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), and IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT).
Professor Luong was an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I and II (TCAS-I and II) from 2010 to 2012 and from 1999 to 2002, respectively, as well as a Guest Editor for the 2012 T-MTT Special Issue of RFIT papers and for the 2011 and 2012 TCAS Special Issues of CICC papers. He also served as a Technical Program Co-Chair of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT) and a Technical Program Co-Chair of the 2008 IEEE Asian Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS).
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