发表于 2015-9-24 09:21:43
You should only use LAYOUT CASE or SOURCE CASE YES if netlist object names that differ *only by text case* are, in fact, different objects. So, for example, if vdd and VDD are truly different nets, then you have to treat that netlist with case-sensitive parsing by setting the proper command to YES. If you have no objects that are logically different based on text case alone, then both of the preceding commands should be set to NO, which is the default.
Case-sensitive comparison of layout to source is a different matter. Calibre doesn't compare layout to source in a case-sensitive manner unless you say LVS COMPARE CASE YES. If that is set, then vdd in layout will not match VDD in the source. If NO (default) is set, then they will match.
Do this:
grep -i "lvs compare case" lvs_report
If the setting is YES, you may want to set that to NO. If it already is NO, then it sounds like your nets that differ by case are logically different nets.
For a complete discussion of this topic, refer to "Case-Sensitive Handling of Netlists" in the Calibre Verification User's Manual.
dan |