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[求助] 求助dracula lvs文件编写识别不到衬底

发表于 2016-8-25 12:19:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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lable  = 0
nbl  = 31
anw  = 41
aac  = 2
poly1  = 7
ndrift = 3  ;Hv Nmos drift
pdrift = 4  ;Hv Pmos drift
poly2  = 8
pbase  = 9  ;for npn base or PB Res
anp  = 10  
pp   = 11
acont  = 12
ametal1 = 13 ;text 14 attach metal1
vi1  = 32
amt2  = 33 text 14 attach mt2
pv   = 14
zp  = 26
lpnpe  = 18
res    = 50                          ;lable mask for resistor
diode    = 61                         ; lable mask for diode
cap      = 60                        ;lable  mask for capacitor
bjt1     = 62                       ; lable mask for bjt npn     
bjt2  = 63        ;lable mask for bjt pnp
esd  = 19       ;lable mask for esd
substrate = bulk 99
TEMPORARY-LAYER = zw1,zw2,zw3,zw4,zw5,zw6
connect-layer= pwell mnw crw ptap ntap hps hpd hnd hns psd nsd cpbjt nbase pbbjt pemit nemit zpact znact
connect-layer= cpd cnd cpbr gpoly1 c1pl c3pl cswx cpp2l c2pl metal1 mt2
size aac by -0.0 ac
width[r] pv lt 70 trpv
not amt2 trpv mt2
not  ametal1 trpv metal1
not bulk anp np
;and label bulk psub
or bjt1 bjt2 bjt
select anw overlap ndrift anw1
and anw esd anw2
not anw anw1 zw2
not zw2 anw2 nwell
not bulk nwell pwell
and ac pp pac
and ac np nac
select nac inside nwell zw1
select zw1 inside pbase pbnact
select zw1 inside zp znac
select zw1 inside cap cnac
not zw1 pbnact zw1
not zw1 znac zw1
not zw1 cnac ntap
select nac inside pwell ndiff

select pac inside pwell ptap
not pac ptap pdiff
select acont overlap poly2 ctp2l
not acont ctp2l cont
and ntap cont cntp
and ptap cont cptp
;----------------------------- <  p+ res > --------------------------------------
select pdiff overlap res rpdiff
not pdiff rpdiff bpdiff
and rpdiff res pdres
not rpdiff pdres cpd
and cont cpd pdcc
;----------------------------- <  n+ res > --------------------------------------
select ndiff overlap res rndiff
not ndiff rndiff mndiff
and rndiff res ndres
not rndiff ndres cnd
and cont cnd ndcc
;----------------------------- <  nw res > --------------------------------------
select res overlap poly1 zw1
select res overlap pdiff zw2
select res overlap pbase zw3
not res zw1 zw1
not zw1 zw2 zw1
not zw1 zw3 zw1
select nwell overlap zw1 rnw
not nwell rnw bnw
and rnw res nwres
not rnw nwres crw
and crw ntap rwcc
;----------------------------- <  poly1 res > --------------------------------------
select poly1 overlap res zw1
not poly1 zw1 bpoly1
and zw1 res p1res
not zw1 p1res c1pl
and cont c1pl p1cc
;----------------------------- <  poly2 lr & hr> --------------------------------------
select poly2 overlap poly1 cpoly2
not poly2 cpoly2 rpoly2
select rpoly2 overlap anp zw1
not rpoly2 zw1 lrpl2
and zw1 anp hrres
and lrpl2 res lrres
not rpoly2 hrres zw2
not zw2 lrres c2pl
and ctp2l c2pl p2cc

;----------------------------- <  pb res > --------------------------------------
select ac inside pbase acpb
select acpb overlap res acpbr
and acpbr res pbres
and acpbr pp cpbr
and cont cpbr pbcc
;----------------------------- < sw cap & pp cap> --------------------------------------
select bpoly1 overlap poly2 c3pl
not bpoly1 c3pl gpoly1
select cpoly2 inside cap cswp2l
not cpoly2 cswp2l cpp2l
and cnac cswp2l zw3
and zw3 c3pl swcap
or cnac cswp2l cswx
and cpp2l c3pl ppcap
select cont overlap cswx bcont
or bcont ctp2l ctsw

and ctsw cswx cswcc
and cont c3pl p3cc
and ctp2l cpp2l p4cc
;----------------------------- < zener diode > --------------------------------------
select bnw overlap diode zw1
not bnw zw1 cnw
select ntap inside zw1 zntap
or zntap znac znact
select bpdiff inside zp zppact
not bpdiff zppact cpdiff
select zppact inside diode zpact
not zppact zpact bpact
and diode zp zener
and cont znact zdncc
and cont zpact zdpcc
;----------------------------- <  bjt > --------------------------------------
select cnw overlap bjt zw1
not cnw zw1 mnw
select pbnact inside zw1 nemit ;vnpn emit
select cpdiff inside zw1 pdbjt
not cpdiff pdbjt mpdiff
and pbase pdbjt pbbjt  ;vnpn pbase
and ntap zw1 nbase   ;vnpn collector or Lpnp nbase
and bpact lpnpe pemit
not bpact pemit cpbjt
and cont nemit bj1cc
and cont pbbjt bj2cc
and cont nbase bj3cc
and cont pemit bj4cc
and cont cpbjt bj5cc
;----------------------------- <  mos > --------------------------------------
or mpdiff pdrift npdiff
and gpoly1 npdiff p1gate
not p1gate pdrift pgate
or mndiff ndrift nndiff
and gpoly1 nndiff n1gate
not n1gate ndrift ngate
select ngate overlap ndrift hngate
not ngate hngate lngate
select pgate overlap pdrift hpgate
not pgate hpgate lpgate
or ngate pgate gate
select nndiff overlap ndrift hndiff
not nndiff hndiff lndiff
select npdiff overlap pdrift hpdiff
not npdiff hpdiff lpdiff
not lndiff gate nsd  ;normal nmos s/d
not lpdiff gate psd  ;normal pmos s/d
not hndiff gate hnsd
not hpdiff gate hpsd
and hnsd ndrift hnd ;hv nmos d
not hnsd hnd hns ;hv nmos s

and hpsd pdrift hpd ;hv pmos d
not hpsd hpd hps ;hv pmos s

and pwell ptap psub
and cont psub psubcc
and mnw ntap nsub
and cont nsub nsubcc
and cont gpoly1 gpcc
and cont nsd nsdcc
and cont psd psdcc
and cont hnd hndcc
and cont hns hnscc
and cont hpd hpdcc
and cont hps hpscc

;----------------------------- < connect > --------------------------------------
connect metal1 cpd by pdcc
connect metal1 cnd by ndcc
connect ntap crw by rwcc
connect metal1 c1pl by p1cc
connect metal1 c2pl by p2cc
connect metal1 c3pl by p3cc
connect metal1 cswx by cswcc
connect metal1 cpp2l by p4cc
connect metal1 znact by zdncc
connect metal1 zpact by zdpcc
connect metal1 nemit by bj1cc
connect metal1 pbbjt by bj2cc
connect metal1 nbase by bj3cc
connect metal1 pemit by bj4cc
connect metal1 cpbjt by bj5cc
connect metal1 gpoly1 by gpcc
connect metal1 nsd by nsdcc
connect metal1 psd by psdcc
connect metal1 hnd by hndcc
connect metal1 hns by hnscc
connect metal1 hpd by hpdcc
connect metal1 hps by hpscc
connect ptap pwell by psub
connect ntap mnw by nsub
sconnect metal1 ntap by cntp
sconnect metal1 ptap by cptp

connect metal1 cpbr by pbcc
connect mt2 metal1 by vi1

;----------------------------- < element > --------------------------------------
element res[pp] pdres cpd
parameter res[pp] 150
element res[np] ndres cnd
parameter res[np] 80
element res[nw] nwres crw
parameter res[nw] 1000
element res[pl] p1res c1pl   oly1 res
parameter res[pl] 35
element res[r7] hrres c2pl   oly2 hr
parameter res[r7] 2000
element res[lr] lrres c2pl   oly2 lr
parameter res[lr] 170
element res[r4] pbres cpbr  ;PB res
parameter res[r4] 2000
element cap[pp] ppcap cpp2l c3pl  
parameter cap[pp] 1.0e-6
element cap[sw] swcap cswx c3pl
parameter cap[sw] 2.0e-15

element mos[n] lngate gpoly1 nsd pwell;ptap
element mos[p] lpgate gpoly1 psd mnw ;ntap
element ldd[hn] hngate gpoly1 hnd hns pwell;ptap
element ldd[hp] hpgate gpoly1 hpd hps mnw; ntap
element dio[dz] zener zpact znact   ;zener diode
element bjt[nv] bjt1 nbase pbbjt nemit ; npn bjt
element bjt[pl] bjt2 cpbjt nbase pemit ; pnp bjt
lvschk[crs] w/l-percent=5,resval=5,capval=5,moscap-area=30,printline=1000;lpercent=30
发表于 2016-8-25 15:54:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-8-25 16:01:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 abby118 于 2016-8-26 09:04 编辑

and ac pp pac
select pac inside pwell ptap
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