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====File: diode_mimic.err
====File: diode_mimic.csm
Schematic | Layout | Status
diode_mimic schematic practice | diode_mimic layout practice | errors *
Mismatch between Schematic and Layout
1 cell with errors
====File: diode_mimic.cls
****** diode_mimic schematic practice <vs> diode_mimic layout practice
Filter Statistics
================= Original Filtered
Cell/Device schematic layout schematic layout
(ndio18, -) DIO 1 -* 1 -*
(-, ndio18) DIO - 1* - 1*
Reduce Statistics
================= Filtered Reduced
Cell/Device schematic layout schematic layout
(ndio18, -) DIO 1 -* 1 -*
(-, ndio18) DIO - 1* - 1*
Match Statistics
================ Total Unmatched
Cell/Device schematic layout schematic layout
(ndio18, -) DIO 1 -* 1 -*
(-, ndio18) DIO - 1* - 1*
------ ------ ------ ------
Total 1 1 1 1
Match Statistics for Nets 2 2 0 0
====== Bad Matched Nets (don't really match) ==================================
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(badmatch 1)
Schematic Net: vdd!
S *1 of ndio18 {PLUS MINUS}
Layout Net: avC1
L *1 of ndio18 ?{PLUS MINUS}
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(badmatch 2)
Schematic Net: gnd!
S *1 of ndio18 {PLUS MINUS}
Layout Net: avC2
L *1 of ndio18 ?{PLUS MINUS}
====== Problem Schematic Nets (no exact match in layout) ======================
S ?vdd! ?gnd!
S (total 2) with:
S 1 of ndio18 {PLUS MINUS}
====== Problem Layout Nets (no exact match in schematic) ======================
L ?avC1 ?avC2
L (total 2) with:
L 1 of ndio18 ?{PLUS MINUS}
====== Unmatched Schematic Instances ==========================================
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (schinst 1)
Schematic Instance: D0 ndio18
S Pin Net
S --- ---
S PLUS vdd!
S MINUS gnd!
====== Unmatched Layout Instances =============================================
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (layinst 1)
Layout Instance: avD33_1 ndio18
L Pin Net
L --- ---
L PLUS vdd!
L MINUS gnd!
====== Summary of Errors ======================================================
Schematic Layout Error Type
--------- ------ ----------
2 2 Bad Matched Nets
1 1 Unmatched Instances
====File: diode_mimic.cps
; autoPinSwap() results for schematic network.
====File: diode_mimic.cfr
The LVS run "diode_mimic" has completed successfully.
Compare problems were detected in 1 cells.
1 cells had device mismatches.
1 cells had nets mismatches.
0 cells matched
No Extraction Problems were detected.
Press "OK" to enter the LVS Debug Environment.
Press "Cancel" to close this Dialog box.
LVS Run "diode_mimic"
is located in /home/guest/zzf
求哪位高人指点一下解决思路。 |