hello . i installed and cracked Rsoft v9 (win version)
but its crack did not worke correctly.
for example : in the non-linear photonic crystal did not work its Kerr Effect but Kerr Effect worked correctly on rsoft v8 and v5
Kerr Effect didnot worked in this version with this crack (v9).
Kerr Effect is very important for designing the non-linear photonic devices.
can you helpe me ??
tank you for you reply.
because rsoft didnot have any responses
i considered power=1000 and Kerr Effect=10
this values are very illogical.
even there was not any answer with this values
I can not describe all of non-linear optic for you. you reffer the nonlinear photonic crystal design in photonic papers.
but i upload a test file for you. you should click the run bottom of full wave dialog bax.
in result windows in fullwave simulation, you see a red curve that becoms zero . this red curve shoud not becom zero.
it should be becom about 0.8 or near 1 values.
this result ( becom 0.8 for red curve ) in rsoft 8,5,7 ( 3 versions of rsoft) have been happend.