本帖最后由 朱立平 于 2013-9-2 16:51 编辑
Do you use inverter output as the power to feed the other circuit block?
If the answar is yes. Please enlarge your inverter PMOS size (enlarge W, minimum size L), NMOS is no matter (it is off in your case), then put a capacitor (top plate connect to inverter output, buttom connect to GND, keep metal wider) after the inverter, the capacitor (MIM, PIP or MOS cap. MIM is beter, try 10pF level) should be placed near the post circuit. Maybe you can series a small R (10~100 ohm) after inverter, before capacitor.
Check the waveform of the inverter input, if it is also noisely. Put a capacitor with top plate connect to the inv`s input and enlarge it`s driver. The driver`s GND (wider is better) line should direct connect to clean GND PAD or GND PAD. VDD should direct connect to VDD PAD with another line (wider is better).
Analog block should use higher voltage, try to suggest your boss use larger VDD.
From your waveform your inverter`s input is also noisely. It is coupled from inv`s output by parasitic cap. & power rail (GND). |