发表于 2009-5-25 14:48:51
Jim Williams is a famous circuit designer, and has a bunch of friendswho are famous circuit designers (or very good ones who are liable tobecome famous one of these days). This book, a sequel to his excellent"Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science, and Personalities" gives you alook inside the minds of these guys, and the result is veryilluminating. It is an eclectic volume, ranging from Harrison'seighteenth-century maritime chronometer to oscilloscope verticalamplifiers to detailed advice on how to approach design problems.Williams's own chapter, "The Importance of Fixing" focuses on theintellectual discipline of troubleshooting, and what a wonderfulclassroom the inside of a broken but well-designed piece of hardwarecan be. The emphasis of this volume is growing good engineers, byteaching the rhythm of the insight, design, prototype, debug iterationas practiced by the best. If you have circuits to design, this bookwill pay for itself in about 5 minutes, and you'll be a more confidentand adventurous designer. I've owned it for five years or so, and readit at least annually. |