发表于 2006-11-22 18:48:38
http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Lo ... -VHDL/dp/0534465935
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
This book will teach students how to design digital logic circuits, specifically combinational and sequential circuits. Students will learn how to put these two types of circuits together to form dedicated and general-purpose microprocessors. This book is unique in that it combines the use of logic principles and the building of individual components to create data paths and control units, and finally the building of real dedicated custom microprocessors and general-purpose microprocessors. After understanding the material in the book, students will be able to design simple microprocessors and implement them in real hardware.
About the Author
Enoch Hwang has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of
California, Riverside. He is currently an Associate Professor of Computer
Science at La Sierra University in Southern California and a Lecturer
in the Departments of Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science
and Engineering at the University of California, Riverside, teaching
digital logic design.
Even from his childhood days, he has been fascinated with electronic
circuits. In one of his first experiments, he attempted to connect
a microphone to the speaker inside a portable radio through the earphone
plug. Instead of hearing sound from the microphone through the
speaker, smoke was seen coming out of the radio. Thus ended that experiment
and his family's only radio. He now continues on his interest
in digital circuits with research in embedded microprocessor systems,
controller automation, power optimization, and robotics.
Product Details
Hardcover: 608 pages
Publisher: Thomson-Engineering; 1 edition (February 18, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 0534465935 |