发表于 2013-4-24 10:52:42
回复 11# zzvbk
-multiplier_width layer_width
Defines the layer width multiplier. You do not have to know the units or exact metal width currently defined in the library.
For example, to define double width, specify -multiplier_width 2.0.
-multiplier_spacing layer_spacing
Defines the layer spacing multiplier. You do not have to know the units and exact layer spacing currently defined in the library.
For example, to define double spacing, specify -multiplier_spacing 2.0. -------------------------------------------------------
-use_default_routing_for_sinks count
Forces the default routing rule to be used on the leaf nets that drive the clock tree sinks and nets at the bottom n-1 levels of the clock tree. A net is considered as leaf net if it drives at least one flip-flop or latch. Float pins, exclude pins, and don't touch subtree pins are treated as nonsink pins of the clock tree for this purpose. For example, a net that drives only one float pin is not treated as a leaf net for this purpose.
The default is 0.
This option is valid only if the -routing_rule option is specified.