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HSPICE 2011: http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-333670-1-1.html
Keygen: http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-353921-1-1.html
1. Extract "synopsysKeygen.rar"
2. Copy the Synopsys.src into the EFA LicGen 0.4b/Packs directory
3. For linux users: make sure LicGen.exe is executable:
sudo chmod +x LicGen.exe
4. Open up LicGen.exe (for linux users use the windows emulating packet wine.)
wine LicGen.exe
5. Click Open en select the synopsys.lpd file.
6. Select the Ethernet Host ID
7. Press Generate & save the file as "thelicense.dat"
8. Close the EFA FlexLM license generator
9. Go into the Synopsys SSS Feature Keygen
10. For linux users: make sure sssverify.exe & KeyGen.exe are executable
sudo chmod +x sssverify.exe KeyGen.exe
11. For windows users: Open up the command prompt by clicking start and typing 'cmd.exe'. Using cd and tab to navigate too the directory. Then run sssverify.exe thelicense.dat (Maybe you have to add the specific path to the file if it isn't saved in the Synopsys SSS Feature Keygen)
!!Copy the SECRET DATA!!
For linux users:
Open up the terminal and navigate too the Synopsys SSS Feature Keygen directory. Using wine:
wine sssverify.exe thelicense.dat
!!Copy the SECRET DATA!!
12. Start the KeyGen.exe (for linux users wine Keygen.exe), paste the secret data in the box. Also edit the HOSTID (open up "thelicense.dat" and search for your HOSTID). Hit generate (This will edit the license.dat file in the directory).
13. Open "thelicense.dat" and copy its contents at the end of "license.dat"
14. At the top of "license.dat" remove USE_SERVER (this is very important). Also fill in an appropriate hostname. (Linux users can issue the command 'hostname' in the terminal window) Windows users can find this by clicking right on Computer and viewing its properties.
15. Copy "license.dat" to a good location.
16. Set the environmental variable. For linux users, edit the .bashrc file as follows:
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc (you can also use another text editor like nano or vi)
At the end of the file input the following:
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/whateveryourfullpathis/license.dat LM_LICENSE_FILE
Save & Exit & Source your .bashrc file:
source ~/.bashrc
For windows users navigate to the Environmental Variables section and also add the path to the variable (using ; as seperator)
17. Clean up the mess and enjoy.