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[资料] Mixed-Signal Systems:A Guide to CMOS Circuit Design [ebook]

发表于 2013-3-8 12:39:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Mixed-Signal Systems:A Guide to CMOS Circuit Design
Cover Image     Copyright Year: 2002
Author(s): Handkiewicz, A.
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
Content Type : Books & eBooks
Topics: Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems ;  Computing & Processing (Hardware/Software)
A practical guide to the successful integration of digital and analog circuits Mixed-signal processing-the integration of digital and analog circuitry within computer systems-enables systems to take signals from the analog world and process them within a digital system. In fact, recent advances in VLSI technology performance now allow for the integration of digital and analog circuits on a single chip, a process that requires the use of analog pre- and post-processing systems such as converters, filters, sensors, drivers, buffers, and actuators. However, the lack of universal CAD tools for the synthesis, simulation, and layout of the analog part of the chip represents a design bottleneck of today's VLSI circuits. Mixed-Signal Systems: A Guide to CMOS Circuit Design presents a comprehensive general overview of the latest CMOS technology and covers the various computer systems that may be used for designing integrated circuits. Taking an original approach to one- and two-dimensional filter design, the author explores the many digital-oriented design systems, or silicon compilers, currently being used, and presents the basic methods, procedures, and tools used by each. In a thorough and systematic manner, the text: * Presents common features of digital-oriented design systems * Describes methods and tools that are not yet being applied in any compiler * Illustrates image processing systems that can be implemented on a single chip * Demonstrates the path from synthesis methods to the actual silicon assembly Essential reading for integrated circuit designers and developers of related computer programs, as well as advanced students of system design, this book represents an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the development of mixed-signal systems.

1 Continuousand Discrete Signals
1.1 Fourier, Z and LaplaceTransforms
1.2 Aliasing Phenomenon and NyquistSamplingTheorem
1.3 Euler andBilinearTransformations
1.4 Two-Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform
1.5 Transfer Functionsof a 2-D MultiportNetwork
1.6 Problems
2 Properties of Basic CMOSCells
2.1 CMOS TransistorCharacteristics
2.2 Modeling
2.3 Simple CircuitsComposed of MOSTransistors
2.3.1 Voltage-ControlledResistor
2.3.2 Diode Connected Transistor
2.3.3 CurrentSource
2.3.4 Switch
2.3.5 Inverter
2.3.6 CurrentMirror
2.3.7 AmplifierStage
2.3.8 Differential Stage
2.3.9 Differential Transconductance Amplifiers 48
2.3.10 Operational Amplifiers 51
2.4 Problems 55
3 CMOS CircuitFabrication 57
3.1 WaferPreparation 57
3.2 Oxidation 58
3.3 Deposition, Lithographyand Etching 58
3.4 Epitaxy, Diffusionand Ion Implantation 58
3.5 Contacts and Interconnects 59
3.6 Masks and Design Rules 59
3.7 Problems 62
4 Digital Techniques 63
4.1 Static Logic Circuits 63
4.1.1 NAND and NOR Gates 63
4.1.2 GeneralCMOS Logic Gates 66
4.1.3 Pseudo-nMOSnad Pseudo-pMOSLogic 68
4.1.4 Flip-Flops 71
4.2 Dynamic Logic 74
4.2.1 Dynamic Inverter 74
4.2.2 Dynamic Logic Gates 76
4.3 Finite-State Machines 81
4.4 Memories 85
4.5 Problems 88
5 Analog VLSI Circuits 90
5.1 Passiveand Active Circuit Elements 90
5.2 OT A-CCircuits 92
5.3 Switched CurrentTechnique 93
5.3.1 Componentsof SI Circuits 93
5.3.2 Integrators 96
5.4 Switched CapacitorTechnique 105
5.4.1 Integrators 105
5.4.2 Operational Amplifiers in SC Integrators 108
5.5 Low-Power and Low-Voltage Techniques 112
5.6 Problems 115
6 One-Dimensional Signal Processing
6.1 Converters and Delta-SigmaModulators
6.2 Low-SensitiveFilterDesign Strategy
6.3 OTA-C, SC, SI and Digital Filters 130
6.3.1 OTA-C Filters 131
6.3.2 SC Filters 132
6.3.3 Digital Filters 145
6.3.4 SI Filters 152
6.4 Problems 154
7 Image Processing 155
7.1 Introduction 155
7.2 CMOS One-ChipCircuit for Digital Video Cameras 157
7.2.1 Current-Mode RegulatedGain Amplifier(RGA) 158
7.2.2 Color Space Conversion Circuit (CSCC) 159
7.2.3 Two-Dimensional DCTProcessorImplementation 159
7.2.4 Entropy Switched-Current Coding Section 163
7.2.5 Results of Experiments 163
7.3 2-D Signal Processing with the Useof a Multiport Network 166
7.4 PrototypeCircuit of a Multiport 2-D Filter 168
7.5 SC and SI Two-Dimensional Filters 169
7.6 Problems 174
8 Silicon Compilers 175
8.1 Object-Oriented Data Bases 175
8.2 Interfacing with Silicon Compilers 176
8.3 Assembly 177
8.3.1 Tiling and Floor Planning 177
8.3.2 Datapath Generation 178
8.3.3 Area Router 179
8.3.4 Pad Routing 180
8.4 Layout Automation of Analog Cells 181
8.5 CMOS Filter Compilers 182
8.6 Behavioral Synthesis Based on Symbolic Analysis 184
8.7 Problems 195
References 197
Index 201
Mixed-Signal Systems-A Guide to CMOS Circuit Design.part2.rar (6.24 MB, 下载次数: 979 )
Mixed-Signal Systems-A Guide to CMOS Circuit Design.part1.rar (14.31 MB, 下载次数: 1491 )
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