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发表于 2013-2-21 23:25:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Mentor Graphics New Questa Verification Platform Functionality Drives Verification Throughput[url=]Content[/url]
WILSONVILLE, Ore., February 20, 2013—Mentor Graphics Corp. (NASDAQ: MENT) today announced the 10.2 release of the Questa® functional verification platform, a tightly integrated and extensible set of tools and solutions that is transforming the functional verification of complex System-on-Chip (SoC) and FPGA designs. This new release extends the Questa Platform’s technology leadership in verification productivity with performance improvements across the entire spectrum of engines and solutions, unified debug, leading verification management and analysis capabilities, and superior support of the latest methodology and language standards.
Simulation Performance: As designs continue to grow in size and complexity, the need for raw performance and smarter simulation throughput remain a critical verification requirement. The Questa 10.2 release delivers multiple performance improvements in simulation—up to 3X in designs using SystemVerilog/OVM/UVM, up to 5X with Questa Multi-Core Simulation, and up to 6X for Low Power simulations with UPF. These simulation performance improvements, coupled with the Questa Platform’s unique “compile once and simulate often” architecture, and enhanced GUI read/write performance, gives verification users optimum simulation throughput.
Unified Debug: The Questa 10.2 release introduces new technology that allows users to easily sync all analysis windows, track forward and backward in time, and automatically trace issues back to the original cause, dramatically reducing debug time and increasing productivity. For UVM and SystemVerilog users, the Questa 10.2 release has multiple new capabilities including a dedicated UVM window, UVM native objects in all the major debug windows, a Constraint Explorer, and UVM Register Assistant. All of these enhancements extend the Questa Platform’s leading SystemVerilog and UVM/OVM debug and automation support.

“AumRaj thoroughly reviewed and tested the new 10.2 advanced features of the Questa Verification Platform including simulation, debug, power aware simulation, and intelligent Testbench Automation and are very impressed with the continuing growth of advanced verification capabilities of Questa,” said Dipika Ganatra, Director at AumRaj Inc. “As verification consultants, we need to be able to quickly and efficiently help our customers improve their verification process and methodology and the leading edge technologies of the Questa platform enable us to do this.”

Verification Throughput: In addition to enhancing raw simulation performance and debug, Questa 10.2 maximizes total verification throughput by dramatically speeding up coverage closure, results analysis, and regression management. To quickly achieve project wide coverage metrics, Questa 10.2 combines coverage data from directed, constrained random and intelligent tests in addition to accelerating coverage ranking and merging up to 6X. Questa Verification Management also monitors important verification trends and metrics, automates test planning and results analysis, and is fully supported on both Linux and Windows, providing flexibility to choose a single environment for test planning and simulation.

“Design teams are looking for solutions that increase overall verification throughput, improve verification quality, speed up adoption of new methodologies, and effectively analyze verification results,” said John Lenyo, vice president and general manager of the Design Verification Technology division of Mentor Graphics. “The Questa functional verification platform contains an integrated set of leading-edge technologies with high performance simulation and debug at its core that addresses the major verification challenges faced by today’s complex SoC, ASIC, and FPGA designs.”

Leading Support of Standards: In addition to performance and debug, standard languages and methodologies are essential for advancing productivity in verification. The Questa 10.2 release completes our support for VHDL-2008 and adds support for the recently ratified SystemVerilog/1800-2012 including enhanced cover group specifications and generic interconnect. The Questa Platform extends its leading support of UPF to enable a complete system-level low power verification methodology, and delivers the first native support for the newly ratified Accellera UCIS (Unified Coverage Interoperability Standard).

“We are impressed to see how fast and comprehensive Mentor implemented very useful key features of the recently released IEEE 1800-2012 SystemVerilog standard,” said Srini Venkataramanan, CTO at CVC Pvt. “Our customers always demand the latest updates during our regular training sessions. It is one thing to say that the LRM has it, it is quite another to have it in their hands! We applaud Mentor again as the leader in SystemVerilog implementation enabling a fast adoption by the SystemVerilog users and the Questa Vanguard Ecosystem.”

(Mentor Graphics and Questa are registered trademarks of Mentor Graphics Corporation. All other company or product names are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.)
发表于 2013-2-23 05:39:55 | 显示全部楼层
crack ?
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-23 21:23:47 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2# pupukid

    no crack,等待大牛上传啊。
发表于 2013-2-23 22:46:19 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-28 22:13:54 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# baddy2323

发表于 2014-12-8 11:33:35 | 显示全部楼层
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