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[资料] Proceedings of IEEE 的百年特刊,里面有EEE各种技术综述及未来走势预测

发表于 2012-8-29 10:53:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 wued 于 2012-8-29 11:14 编辑


1. Cyber-Physical Systems

    • Cyber-physical systems: A perspective at the centennial
    • A cyber-physical future

2. Electric Power and Energy Engineering

    • Electric power and energy engineering: the first century
    • Smart grids and beyond: Achieving the full potential of electricity systems

3. Engineering Education

    • Five major shifts in 100-years of engineering education
    • Engineering education today: Capturing the afterlife of Sisyphus in five snapshots
    • Beyond 2020: Preparing engineers for the future

4. Entertainment Technologies

    • A brief history of entertainment technologies
    • The future of cloud-based entertainment
    • Social television: Enabling technologies and architectures
    • Mobile clouds: The new content distribution platform
    • Entertainment in the age of big data

5. Hardware/Software Codesign

    • Hardware/software codesign : the past, the present and predicting the future

6. Mass Storage and Data Retrieval

    • The history of storage systems
    • The history of web archiving
    • The history of information retrieval research

7. Advanced Materials for Electronics, Photonics and Energy Storage

    • Silicon crystal growth and wafer technologies
    • Molecular engineering to computer science : the role of photonics in the convergence of communications and computing
    • Flexible electronics : The next ubiquitous platform
    • History, evolution and future status of energy storage

8. Medical Devices

    • Advances in medical devices and medical electronics

9. Neurotechnological Systems : The Brain-Computer Interface

    • Biosensor technologies for augmented
      brain-computer interfaces in the next decades
    • Evolving signal processing for brain-computer interfaces
    • Brain-computer interface technologies in the coming decades

10. Optics and Photonics

    • Optical and photonics : A key enabling technology

11. Personal and Home Electronics

    • Personal and home electronics and our changing lifestyles

12. Privacy and Cybersecurity

    • Privacy and Cybersecurity : The next 100 years

13.  Radio Spectrum Access

    • Spectrum access technologies : The past, the present and the future
    • Spectrum policy for radio spectrum access
    • The economists' contribution to radio spectrum access : The past, the present and the future

14. The search for Life : SETI

    • Beings on Earth : Is that all there is ?

15. Science and Engineering Beyond Moore's Law

    • Science and Engineering beyond Moore's law

16. Social Implications of Technology

    • Social implications of Technology : The past, the present and the future

17. Space Exploration and Science

    • Spaceflight : The development of science, surveillance and commerce in space

18. Transportation and Navigation Technology

    • Satellite navigation for aviation in 2025
    • Autonomous ground vehicles - concepts and a path to the future
    • FootSLAM : Pedestrian simultaneous localization and mapping without exteroceptive sensors - Hitchhiking on human perceptiion and cognition

19. Wireless Communications Technology

    • Wireless myths, realities and futures : From 3G/4G to optical and quantum wireless
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-29 10:56:05 | 显示全部楼层

Proceedings of the IEEE.100th Anniversary Issue.part1.rar

14.31 MB, 下载次数: 1180 , 下载积分: 资产 -5 信元, 下载支出 5 信元

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-29 10:57:46 | 显示全部楼层

Proceedings of the IEEE.100th Anniversary Issue.part2.rar

14.31 MB, 下载次数: 853 , 下载积分: 资产 -5 信元, 下载支出 5 信元

Proceedings of the IEEE.100th Anniversary Issue.part3.rar

12.96 MB, 下载次数: 790 , 下载积分: 资产 -5 信元, 下载支出 5 信元

发表于 2012-8-29 12:25:36 | 显示全部楼层
good stuff
发表于 2012-8-29 13:03:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-8-29 14:59:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-29 15:16:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-29 16:45:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-30 11:01:12 | 显示全部楼层
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